Author Archives: Andrea

When someone asks for helps and you give it, be prepared to be resented and cut out of their life. Not everyone can stand for long in the Light.

Never let yourself be the one to bring someone in agony up the emotional scale to joy. Why? It causes resentment when you lower your vibration for them, and they may cut you out of their life. You’ve seen it happen. Ask the Universe to bring them someone to help them get up the emotional scale. Whenever you hold someone in appreciation, you are adding to their experience although, when they are in agony, they can’t get it.  Sometimes they surface enough to see your light, but they can’t stand in that light for long. They don’t feel worthy of it, they compare and feel shamed. They must cut you out of their life by any means in order to maintain their own hallucination.  Habitual liars are scared and self-interested. It’s a deep sickness, a kind of autism.  So when someone asks you for help and you give it, be prepared to be resented and cut out of their life, no matter how long you’ve known them or been friends with them.  Instead, ask the Universe to bring them someone to help them, and to get them up the emotional scale. When they awaken and regain consciousness, you’ll connect again. That’s how that works.

Link arms with those still standing and carry on

Yes, we have to walk over the bodies and it never gets easier, but hovering over them after the fact doesn’t do anyone any good. Link arms with those still standing and walk on together, praying for those in need still breathing. That way we catch each other as we stumble and no one stays down for long.

The extra space after the “i” is a message to me

I am excerpting from a friend’s book for the August Horizons Magazine. The file was sent in a way that caused the formatting to change, leaving extra spaces in between the characters of words.  Upon closer inspection,  I notice that the extra space that appears in the middle of the words is always after a lower case i.   That tells me that anytime I am in my smaller self, my lower case i, I need to take an extra moment, for extra space, before I speak.   I love finding life lessons in every thing I do.

Habitual liars get caught in their own web, it’s the disease

Habitual liars get caught in their own web and come to believe what they say. It’s part of the disease. “Help others be accountable. When people who tend to deceive themselves spend too much time with others who tolerate it, their destructive habits won’t be challenged or corrected. Where lying is causing someone serious damage, it helps to be a particularly truth-conscious friend and lend support as well as a gentle, watchful eye.” The Truth About Lying This article tells why particular lies are told, what it sounds like and how to avoid it. Example: blame shifting can signal difficulty with accepting responsibility for your actions. Maybe you were criticized for making mistakes as a child and so now you’re afraid to own up because of what other people may think of you. Once you realize this is a behavior that can be changed, however, you can start to regain the power you may feel you don’t have.

I’m sure she’s just mistaken and isn’t lying on purpose
The lies are simply hitting the snooze button, not ready for awakening

Feeling overwhelming lethargy?’s because you are over stimulated by where you’re placing your attention.  You’re measuring where you are now relative to another place and time.  Making your body lethargic is your soul’s way of telling you to slow down and turn your focus within.  You’re unfolding more now in a spiritual sense than in a material sense. A journey within will be very fruitful now.  Sleep as much as you need to.  My experience is, when you’re on the Path, you begin going through a series of sleeper’s classes.  If you’re awakened, hit the meditation mat. As you follow your breath, you’re giving your unconscious mind time and space to integrate what it’s just learned. You can be half asleep, when you doze, your head falling will awaken you to follow your breath again. Give them 20 minutes and go back to bed. Then watch everything in your life begin to all come together.

Humility in a Healer and Teacher is a Virtue

I love it that a person I know to be an excellent healer and teacher has never once referred to himself as a healer or teacher. To me, that’s the sign of a true healer and teacher. This isn’t to say he isn’t aware of his own power.  He just doesn’t try to convince anyone of it.

The work begins when life starts to get real

Life begins to get real when you turn away from fighting others and turn to face each other.  Just that.  No audience.  No spotlight. Just the two of you.  On your own.  Daily life, working, paying bills, attending to family and pets, sharing responsibilities.  Do that for 12 months, THEN tell me all about it. If you start now you’ve only got, well, 12 months to go. Until then, don’t stand on the sidelines on someone else’s dollar and tell those in the trenches how to do the work.