Their experience doesn’t have to be your experience

Two rave about it, two hated it, shall I go?  A friend and I spoke earlier of our love of Mediterranean cuisine and he mentioned a favorite local restaurant I’d not visited.  I went online to read reviews about it and read a couple that were particularly scathing.  After reading the same reviews on several sites, the authors were revealed and I saw they were two Facebook friends.  Apparently they had such a vividly poor experience they felt it necessary to post their review on several websites.  I understand that.  What they don’t understand is that they attracted to themselves the experiences they had, and that their experience did not have to be anyone else’s. Hence me hearing raving reviews from other regular diners, and having an excellent experience myself.
Life has taught me that two people sitting side by side doing the same thing can have two very different experiences. An entire neighborhood can be tornadoed away and one home left standing.  Someone else’s experience does not have to be your experience.

Last year, a friend and I were sitting in a sunny clearing in my woods eating clementine oranges. We had a little basket of them between us.  Tony can be a real pouty puss sometimes, although he’s a really cool guy.  But he does seem to focus on things around him that are not going well, and he’s vocal in criticizing the news, the government, etc. So we’re sitting and eating the clementines, which I’d been buying all month.  He  complained that “these tangerines were good but they had so many seeds.”

Yet I’d eaten 2 dozen of them in a 2 week period with nary a seed.  He was getting seeds and I was not.  He was not fibbing; I saw him spitting out seeds.  So I hand him my clementine and take his.  He bites into mine and finds a seed.  I eat the rest of his with no seeds. We did the same with two more clementines.   That made me take note that being a pouty puss ( translation = focusing on the stuff of the news, the troubles of the world and thinking anything ever needs to be different than it is,)  pretty much guarantees you’ll come across seeds, even in seedless fruits.  It guarantees you’ll attract poor quality food and service when dining out.  I so know it’s about vibrational matching.  Yes, even when I am the one getting the seeds and the poor service. Especially then.

Related: My Goddess Grub blog, recipes and more