Author Archives: Andrea

New agers are Lucifarian? Where do people get this stuff?

Just saw a Facebook post about “new agers” workshipping the Universe and being Lucifarian. Having published Florida’s new age magazine for 21 years, many are misinformed about what new age is. Worship the Universe? Never heard that. Lucifarian? ROFL . There are fanatics in every genre who come up with all sorts of stuff that the unknowing take it as what many believe in.  When driving out of state, I once tuned into a radio preacher that was telling the listeners what new-agers believe in. Holy sh*t no wonder the “christians” are scared to death of the words. That’s ok, when someone quotes me from the bible, I have the same reaction. The bible the word of God after millenia of re-writes by politicians? Unlikely at best. Educate yourself and and get a grip. Don’t let the sound of your own wheels make you crazy.

Where do the $$ come from? From wherever they are right now

I purposely don’t keep a tight account of how many dollars I have at any given time.  When I made far less, I used to drive myself crazy over managing it. Every few years I find I need to pull dollars out of nowhere. It’s usually just a crucial few day period between credit card dollars being credited and checks arriving in the mail. I went in search of $4,000 before noon.  I couldn’t count credit cards that had been run and were waiting to be credited to the account. That wouldn’t happen before noon.  I couldn’t count checks that were not in my hand. This month the magazine job was printed a week early.  I did not ask advertisers for their payments a week early.  There’s usually enough in the account that it doesn’t matter.  Earlier this year, I’d paid cash for several high ticket pieces of needed equipment, and had some emergency expenses.  I don’t do credit cards; I have excellent credit and want to keep it that way.  I just forget to ask for 6 months same as cash. I glanced at the books to see who owed me how much and called everyone.  With their dollars on the way, I still had to address the situation of $4,000 by noon.  I began looking into the bank accounts and adding them up. Particular accounts I just pretend don’t exist; that way I never go into them.  Hmmm, if I transferred this here… all it took was me adding up for a combined total to see there was no problem. The only problem was me not having taken stock of what I already had on hand, and thinking I needed to go to outside sources.  Yes, I was owed the dollars on their way to me, but I still had – at the very moment I needed it – the dollars in hand to pay what needed to be paid when it was due.  It has never not happened. I have no reason to expect or believe it will ever be any different. I am indeed blessed.

RELATED: Pulling dollars out of nowhere
The importance of making a decision as if the $$ did not matter

Dream of Daddy’s Tool Chest

I had a dream once, once of those dreams that sticks with you forever. In the dream, I am wandering around an open pasture kind of landscape, not really seeing anything, but not particularly seeking anything either. In the dream, along comes my father, who was a carpenter, and he’s wearing the khakis he always wore. He’s also carrying his carpenter’s box, you know the kind, long and slim to fit saws, hammers, nails, rulers and maybe a couple of lengths of wood.  In the dream I am asking him for money. In real life at that time, my father was in Baptist Hospital in Miami, FL in June 1987 in a coma after a suicide attempt, and he would die a week later on Father’s Day. In real life, I never asked my dad for money as he had none and I earned good money as a criminal defense paralegal. I was, however, at an intense stage in my life of asking, “what next?” Continue reading

We attract what we pay attention to and value

“When women pay attention and value what is really important,  we do actually end up with great guys.” says wise guru galpal Julie Runion. So true,  living the proof.  I thought my only partner could be a monk, bookworm or hermit recluse. Happily proven wrong.

Come in or leave, but don’t block traffic

come n go outYou want to come into my life, the door is open.  You want to get out of my life, the door is open. Just one request.  Don’t stand in the doorway, you’re blocking traffic. Until recently, I was irked at a friend I felt had wasted months of my time, knowing I had projects I was waiting to do. It was my choice to upset my schedule to accommodate theirs, to put my projects on hold while I helped them achieve theirs. I attracted a situation which took months to be free of.  I’m not irked now, but an honest 3 minutes would have prevented fallout. I can’t fault anyone for doing what they feel they must do to survive. I can’t wish for them anything other than what I’d wish for myself. I endeavor in my life to not stand in the way of what anyone wants to do with their life, whether their life includes me or not. Life is too short to be indecisive. Never let me stand in your doorway and block traffic. And please don’t stand in mine.

Those who don’t feel this love pulling them like a river, let them sleep

Those who don’t feel this love pulling them like a river, those who don’t drink dawn like a cup of spring water, or take sunset like supper, those who don’t want to change let them sleep… This Love is beyond the study of theology, that old trickery and hypocrisy. If you want to improve your mind that way, sleep on. I’ve given up on my brain. I’ve torn the cloth to shreds and thrown it away. If you’re not completely naked wrap your beautiful robe of words around you and sleep. ~Jellaludin Rumi – 

Gary Leggett, the hypnosis guy who got me to sleep!

Gary Leggett and Andrea

Gary Leggett and Andrea

For a month I’ve been having hypnosis sessions to get me to sleep and keep me asleep, and wanted to turn you on to Gary Leggett, who made it happen. I have ongoing sessions with him for other “re-programming” as well, but this is the link to the mp3, and here’s what Gary says “We all know the aggravation of trying to go to sleep because you need to and you can’t do it. Your mind starts to wonder, you start thinking about the day or what you need to do. Before you know it, an hour has marched by and you’re staring at the ceiling. If you’re like millions of people you’ll reach for a handy sleep aid. Sure it will put you to sleep but does it hang you over the next day? Even though you sleep, are you rested the next day? I wasn’t most of the time.  Over time as I got  better at self hypnosis, I found techniques that would work for me “sometimes” but not all the time, unless I could sit with a professional hypnotist for a session. One day I was reading about something the author discovered that was real good for insomnia. I thought this very interesting since the night before I had experienced very little sleep. I tried the technique with a few improvements of my own and the next thing I knew I woke up hours later. So I tried it again and  it worked again. Now all I can say is I use it all the time.  I put all this info in a nice mp3 audio download called Sleep_NOW. Like my other audio products it’s easy to download and use.”  Gary Leggett  I suggest also scheduling an appointment with Gary to experience his work in person. 

I missed my brother’s birthday

Yesterday was my brother’s birthday. I never think about holidays.  I called him for the first time in months and gave him heck for ignoring me. He didn’t even tell me it was his birthday. I just found out. Now I have to give him heck for that. My planets in fire signs have to give his water signs some steam to keep him cooking.  You’re welcome, bro!