Author Archives: Andrea

Want to gain weight? Add grains to your diet.

An interesting experiment the last 5 days. Instead of my standard chicken, veggie and fruit meals, I’ve opted for sandwiches, canned soup and raisin bran with almond milk. Tonight I’m up 3 pounds and my sinuses are filled. Nice. Last week I kept feeling hungry although I was eating good portions. I just wasn’t eating many starches: a plantain here, a baked potato there. I made pasta once. Mostly salads, veggies and chicken. My weight slipped a couple of pounds below where I like it, so I decided to have a few days of more hearty fare. I’d cooked Cuban rice and beans for a friend but knew that was a slippery slope for me. I can get used to eating rice and beans every day just for the flavor, when I really thrive on lighter dishes. I decided on sandwiches for a few days, with canned soup, and cereal with almond milk for breakfast.  Adding grains to my diet = automatic weight gain.  Good to know! Afternote: Three days of “normal” eating knocked the weight off and cleared the sinuses.  

Hope For The Flowers by Trina Paulus

*Hope was born…
Chapter I  ONCE UPON A TIME a tiny striped caterpillar burst from the egg which has been home for so long. “Hello World,” he said. “It sure is bright out here in the sun.” “I’m hungry,” he thought and straightway began to eat the leaf he was born on. And he ate another leaf… and another…and another… and another. And he got bigger…and bigger …and bigger…. Until one day he stopped eating and thought, “There must be more to life than just eating and getting bigger.”

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When you expect it and believe it, you’ll see it

Have you noticed how your entire life can change in the twinkling of an eye? How things can go from nice and content to better than you ever thought possible, overnight? How suddenly the way opens for you and every good thing you ever wanted comes flowing in at almost breakneck speed?  A pal and I are both experiencing that at the same time. Now that’s the kind of vibrational match to have!

Reflections on a day at the beach

The turning of the tide is such a powerful happening. The rising tide, God’s exhale; the ebbing tide, God’s inhale. At tide’s turn, I stand in the gap between the breaths and experience the unspeakable Unknowable. If I’m lucky, it takes my breath away and absorbs me in It.

Troubles come to pass, they don’t come to stay

Troubles come to pass, they don’t come to stay. They only stay when you glom onto them and stay focused on them. Worries come to pass. Hold them lightly and let them slip through your fingers. Let them pass. They want to keep moving.

Today’s Grand Trine, Grand Sextile, Star of David

Today, there are two ‘Grand Trine Aspects’ joining together, one of the water element and the other of earth element. It is called the ‘Star of David’ aspect. It is as if we are approaching a body of water with an earthen container, and using the vessel to hold the water, making it useful. It’s not a long lasting influence because one of the Earth signs is formed by the rapidly moving Moon, but while the Moon in Taurus moves from early morning to early evening, it will be completing the final point of this Grand Sextile or six-pointed star.  Being in water and earth signs creates the mud from which we build the bricks of what we have been focusing on – a good time for bringing into manifestation what you’ve been visualizing. With luck, you’ve been visualizing the good stuff to come!
Several interpretations here.

Breaking down the walls

I moved the living/sitting room furniture into a particularly pleasing configuration last night. The place feels huge and spacious now, and I can see from one end to the other.  I’ve taken down all the diaphanous wall hangings I use as room dividers for privacy. It feels good to be breaking down the walls.
RELATED: Youtube video of Charley Thweatt Wave After Wave 
Breaking down the walls and staying connected 

There is no death. When I’m awake I know that.

Sweet memories of sweet friends. When I tap into that Universal Mind, I know they live on and I don’t give it a second thought. While, in my mortal body, I hallucinate they are gone and I am miss them. Funny how we let our minds play tricks on us, huh? There is no death. When I’m awake I know that. Keep me awake, please.
The End of Death as We Know It 
Her Perception Upon Dying