Author Archives: Andrea

Tarot Card of the Day: The Hanged Man

Tarot Hanged ManYour Card for today.  Meditate upon the meaning this card might have for you since it showed up at this exact moment. Not everyone saw this.   YOU DID. There are no mistakes.
MEANING:  You are at a crossroads – one with only two options i.e. in or out, up or down, yes or no. You may find yourself very much wanting to do something but having no idea what it is or how to do it. If that happens, that’s a clear sign that you should stop, relax, and look at ways that you might need to let go of attempts to control life/ situations/ people/ things. It’s possible that there is an outdated attitude you need to let go of. Any sacrifice that you make will open up your life to something even more positive than what you let go of.  This should be a thoughtful, reflective time, particularly if you are willing to look at if or how you might best serve your own interests by being willing to change. Continue reading

You’re welcome

He thanked her for outing all his faults so he could prove her wrong by doing everything differently the next time. Then he saw how easy it was to live life aboveboard, not hiding from anyone, working, paying taxes, taking care of himself like an adult. Had she not accused him of being unable to do it, he wouldn’t even have tried. Now he’s living a much happier life.  Bless the helpers you first view as haters.

Crying is blackmail

A friend insists on crying to get her way with partners and has gloated for years over her ability to do so. She’s always got them jumping through hoops to please her. She doesn’t see it as emotional manipulation, she’s just “letting her feelings be known.” I told her I won’t listen to it again. She cried. Sorry, that doesn’t work with me… I was trained by a master.

The Pyramids, Coral Castle Miami: How harmonic sonic levitation works

Coral Castle in Miami

Coral Castle in Miami

“Building Coral Castle? Building the pyramids? How harmonic levitation works is this: The crystalline structure of the blocks is made of dipole molecules. A dipole means that it has a magnetic positive and negative. Every stone / molecule has a series of harmonic frequencies that cause the poles of the molecules to arrange in a specific manner. When the correct arrangement of the magnetic poles is achieved, it will literally repel the gravity of earth, and will levitate.”  During an Abraham-Hicks conference call I was in on several years ago, they explained this was how the pyramids were built. Continue reading

Saturday, August 10 Crystal Garden’s 25th Birthday Party

CELEBRATE 25 YEARS! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE CRYSTAL GARDEN! Join us for free lectures, colorful food, free mini-readings and discounts to celebrate 25 years of supporting our spiritual community with love, joy and gratitude.  Saturday, August 10 from 11 AM – 5 PM.  Come and bring your friends! The Crystal Garden is located since 8-8-1988 at 2610 North Federal Highway, Boynton Beach, FL (561) 369-2836 Continue reading

Hurried Intimacy Defeats Getting to Know Partner By Patrick McGinnis

There is an excellent article here Hurried Intimacy Defeats Getting to Know Partner By Patrick McGinnis, Licensed Mental Health Counselor. Published by the Press Journal “Your News” 2013-7-31 and I agree.  It took a year for my last partner to show the side of him everyone warned me about.  Half my reading sessions address the topic of: had they waited, they would have never gotten involved. Dr. Patrick writes: “You need to know him, not just what he says, but how he acts in various situations… Real love relationships are marked by affection, mutual respect, the desire for the partner’s happiness, compatibility of interests and preferences, the ability to get along during stressful times, the ability to be oneself while allowing the partner to be who they are. It takes time to know if these characteristics are present and consistent.”

I can tell how far up the spiral I am by the ones I attract to be in person with

Just had the most fun in-person reading with a new friend at Starbucks on Palm Bay Road.  It tickles and inspires me when someone has really good changes coming up and they are excited to jump into them. Especially when it’s someone I look forward to hanging with! Gotta love vibrational matching: I can tell how far up the spiral I am by the ones I attract to be in person with.  Apparently I’m soaring.

Me, a social marketer?

A business-savvy friend called me a good “social marketer.” Me? I Googled it. Since I “use marketing with other concepts to achieve goals for a social good,” he’s right. I just think of it as keeping up with my friends on Facebook, sharing stuff I find interesting, while I go about my working day. Ironically what I do to take a break from work brings me more business. Nice to know that simply being me is not only in style, it’s progressive.

Doing **what??** for dollars???

Six weeks ago I gave a friend an unusual exercise to perform to manifest dollars into her life.  It involved doing a specific series of particular pleasurable activities while having her goal running as a subtitle to her daily (inner, mental) movie. She thought it wasn’t working… until she got yesterday’s mail. Yep, we both rock.  There is enormous power in knowing how to control the chemicals contained in your own brain and body and how to activate them to live your best life and get the most enjoyment out of it.  Can you hold the thought (believe the possibility) that anything you do in your life that brings you intense pleasure can also help bring you closer to any goal or dream you wish? Can you entertain the idea that the emotions of pleasure and joy can be the vehicle thru which your imaginations manifest into the 3-D?  Imagine that.  No, really, imagine that.