Author Archives: Andrea

What is going on in the earth’s energy field? Better to ask what is going on in your mind

A friend emailed:  “Can you enlighten us on what is going on in the earth’s energy field?  We are feeling strange in a not too pleasant way.  Thank you.
I replied, “Uh oh, I may not be the one to answer that.  I look at things a whole different way.  I know that everything is always evolving and changing and our biggest job in life is to surf the environment we find ourselves in and make the most of it. I think it doesn’t matter what is happening to the earth’s energy field, that we each are personally very powerful vortexes of energy ourselves.  My experience is that our personal energy can override the prevalent energy of any physical locale, that we are indeed the vortex. Continue reading

What’s the symbolism of finding a 1964 nickel?

A Facebook friend posted, “Hey gang. Advice/info needed please. I keep receiving 1964 nickels. This makes the 4th one! I’m not a numerology guy so any info is appreciated! The only reference I have to nickels is that on the anniversary of my brothers death, I found a nickel of his birth year. I have no knowledge of friend/s born in the year 1964. Thanks” I knew that one!  I commented, ” 1+9+6+4 = 20 = 2, so I’d say a partner is coming into your life. Business? Romance? Sidekick? Continue reading

Fall in Love with Everyone

Especially the grumpy, fibby ones.  Forgive them their ignorance.  We all learn in our own time that There Is Only One Of Us Here. Life is too short not to love everyone.

Yoga Shakti Mission Retreat Aug 30th – Sept 1st, 2013

Retreat to another world. Spend a weekend in the wooded seclusion of Yogashakti Mission, Palm Bay, Florida. This Ashram was created by Ma Yogashakti and purified and energized by her.  Moksh Priya will facilitate this retreat (dates, times below.) Moksh Priya is a dynamic teacher and has been conducting yoga teacher training in NY for 30 years. Her Patanjali Study sessions are described as more guided interactive discussion rather than lecturing. Her theme is “Harnessing the Power of the Mind as per Sage Patanjali.” Study Yogic scriptures; Learn meditation; Be introduced to Patanjali’s Yog Darshan; Take part in 3 Hatha Yoga classes; Learn Deep Relaxation. Six home-cooked vegetarian meal will be provided. Accommodation is shared or you may prefer to bring a tent. Continue reading

Stop wasting everyone’s time and just say it

You know that thing you want to tell that person but don’t want to hurt their feelings? Tell them. They aren’t any happier than you are at this point, so stop wasting everyone’s time and get it out in the open. There is a gracious and diplomatic way to say anything. But say it.

How to spot a sociopath – 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence

Since four Facebook friends sent me the link to this,  I figured at least four more friends are vibing there, so I shared on Facebook. “One simple method for dispelling sociopathic delusion is to start checking their claims. Do any of their claims check out? Confront them with inconsistency and see what happens: Most sociopaths will become angry or aggressive when questioned, whereas a sane person would simply be happy clear up misunderstanding.”  I didn’t check facts until a year and a half later. BIG wake up call. I wondered how intelligent and powerful people could be so taken in. Now I know. Thank you Universe for lessons learned. It cracked me wide open so something true and genuine could find its way in. My sociopath was the harbinger of the best part of my already-joyous life. I bless him for all parts he played, truly.  Bless the ones who come into your life and tear your foundation out from under you, for they are the ones who show you to yourself.
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What areas of my life do I hang on to something past its time?

I saved an old monitor for years because it has the right connections for an old computer. I went looking for it today and realize I likely packed it up with a roommate’s belongings when they moved out last year. I realize how long I took up space storing it and didn’t really need it after all. I could have been free of it 5-7 years ago. I wonder how many other areas of my life I hang on to something way past its time, letting it take up otherwise valuable space. Only I decide what’s valuable…

When inner guidance comes in your own voice

Question: “My spirit guide quit answering me. Has this ever happened to you?”

Andrea: My experience is when guidance seems to ebb rather than flow, I have some resistance somewhere keeping me from focusing fully. Divine guidance or inner guidance is likely coming but you think it is your own voice. Guidance comes to me in my own voice when it wants me to take ownership of what I know and who I am. It’d be easy to obey a command from Whoever I think is the highest Source, God, some guide or angel, whatever. But to test my faith and see if I can practice what I know, without being sure I am connected to ANYTHING or anyone in the moment? Oh yes, that’s when the alchemy takes place. That’s when the kundalini rises and awakens me to higher knowing. I get to see, by the evidence of what I attract into my experience, how awake I am and where I am  focusing my attention at any point in time. The evidence is always what I am living right now.

A snake sheds his skin in a bush at the front door

Friends had a snake shed his skin high in a bush at their front door. For devotees of Shiva, the destroyer of illusion, the snake is an auspicious sign, meant as a boon, a benefit, to those who witness.  Here’s an excellent article, Shedding Skin by Doug Marman. “The old skin has to be shed before the new one can come,” says Joseph Campbell, the famous teacher of mythology, referring to the ancient symbol of snakes shedding their skin as a metaphor for inner growth. “If you want resurrection, you must have crucifixion…We must be willing to get rid of the life we’ve planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us.” Continue reading

Making plans and following guidance: a winning combo

I love working in the middle of the night. It’s not even like work. I never planned on working for myself, ever. Had I given it any thought ahead of time, I’d likely not have done it. No one has written me a paycheck for 22 years.  By being an entrepreneur with many projects, I’ve created a good life for myself. Very little of it was planned. Most of it was simply following guidance.  Oh, sure, I’ve made my share of plans and many came to fruition. Continue reading