Author Archives: Andrea

I Love

To wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks for another day of loving; To rest at the noon hour and meditate love’s ecstasy; To return home at eventide with gratitude; And then to sleep with a prayer for the beloved in your heart and a song of praise upon your lips.
Kahlil Gibran

HTML code in the aura? I love getting new tools.

In a reading this morning, I experienced a new symbol in someone’s aura. Yes, I can “see” the aura over the phone, since the screen upon which appears is my mind’s eye. At times there will be a movie playing on a filmstrip under the main screen, within the energy field itself. I wrote about it in detail at How One Clairvoyant Sees The World.  We had just finished the  Ho’oponopono, a Hawaiian Healing Process . She felt unresolved with an ex, even though we’d spent some time doing the process on him. I’d been working on my websites and was tickled to see html code within the aura. I’d not experienced that before. In the code, it was spelled out exactly what was going on behind the scenes. I didn’t have to look for suppressed anger in the aura, I could see it in the html code.  I wondered if it’d be as simple as inserting the code (on the screen of my mind’s eye) to turn it off after it’d been turned on.  As soon as I thought that, my caller said she felt a rush of love and forgiveness flow through her heart for her ex. I was tickled it had been that easy. It had never occurred to me to ask or try that. This life is like living in the best sci-fi adventure EVER.

RELATED:  What I see when I see the aura
HTML code in the aura? I love getting new tools.
A Psychic Reads the Auras of the Real Housewives of Orange County. How the aura and energy field appear to me.

Be in the Now or enjoy it later and ever after?

I videotaped a performance last night and since I was hand holding the camera, I paid much attention to the composition. My focus was keeping everyone in the frame and keeping the camera level and steady.  Not easy to do when music is playing and my body wants to move with it.  It was a bit of a yoga to keep my body still but I’d given myself the job to tape the gig.  Sometimes it’s a hard choice between attending something and throwing myself into the Now, or taking notes or video or photos to enjoy later and to share.   I think everyone should have photos and video of themselves in creative action, so I’m always glad to take them for friends.  So it’s most often after the gig, when I’m home reviewing the videos, that I can enjoy the performance. It’s always been that way with speakers as well.  Do I sit and just listen and take in their message, or do I take notes and interview for my reader?  I decided that one several years ago and wrote about it here Shall I experience this experience or record it to share with others?  Ah, I should learn to do both!

When I realize I do it, I work on it

A friend remarked that I’d been critical with them until recently. They asked why I stopped.  I stopped because once they pointed it out to me, I realized what I was doing and that wasn’t who I wanted to be.  I want my friends to call me out when I’m saying or doing something they know I do not truly intend.  It helps me keep it real.

Hot flashes are easing up just as I was starting to enjoy them

Hot flashes! Sometimes ya just gotta give in and go with the glow. Mine began at age 42 and 19 years later I still hot flash. I tried everything for it through the years, and found that everything works… the creams, the pills, the herbs… for awhile anyway. Different foods bring them on for me: dairy, soy, pickled or spicy foods, caffeine, alcohol, processed foods.  I wrote about mystical menopause and sage-ing while aging here.  Stress brings hot flashes on as well, even unconscious  stress. They don’t bother me anymore and are down to a few times a week. Hot flashes and sleep changes were my only menopausal symptoms, no moodiness, no depression, no dryness. Had I to do it all over again?  I wouldn’t take anything for it, I’d eat a healthy diet of unprocessed food and stay active and maintain proper weight.

Breaking down the walls and staying connected

An early morning romp in the yard with lots of love bites to show for it. The bamboo is skyrocketing, I know how it feels! I put the final touches on the September Horizons and set it aside to proofread later. I went into my yard and began picking up the branch deadfall from last night’s rains.  On evenings it’s cool enough to have windows open, the night blooming jasmine outside my bedroom is intoxicating. Last Spring I created several privacy walls in the yard and now the turk’s cap, copper bush, arbicola and jasmine cuttings have taken hold and created a secluded garden space. I’d planned my cuttings well, they grew in exactly as I intended. Continue reading

The Benefits of Chanting

I woke up this morning with a Shiva chant resounding in my head. My spiritual lineage is that of twice daily meditation and chanting. I am living proof of the difference it’s made in my life: I am one of the most centered and serene people I know.  My mate also chants daily and it’s inspiring to have a partner in spiritual practice. When I wake up with a chant in my head rather than my To Do List, I know I’m stress free.  If you’re interested in chanting, you’ll find the following links helpful.  .  .  Continue reading

Neglect them or help them flourish? Live with your decision.

The evidence of what you are living right now is the proof of where you have focused your  attention most recently. Take responsibility for both the flourishing and the neglect, as it was your choice in every moment which to make the priority. Did you learn anything about yourself in the process?

Two perspectives on daily spam

I use AOL because I like how it organizes email. A galpal uses it as well. I never get much spam but this day I got about 30 by breakfast time.  It took about two moments to remove it as I thought, “small price to pay for having AOL.” My friend called later that day and apparently she get really ticked at how much spam came in on one day that she spent the morning chatting about it with friends. She was furious by the time she got to me, because by then all her friends had all discussed it and agreed with her.  I felt my job was to make the best of the spam-getting situation by deleting it and not giving it a second thought, so I could get on with my happy life. She felt it was her job to get to the bottom of the situation and rally others around her to be active. Two different perspectives, two different paths in life. To each their own.