Author Archives: Andrea

How is this month’s Grand Cross affecting you?

Astrologically, a grand cross going on right now with Mercury, Uranus, Jupiter and Pluto in the cardinal signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. A grand cross literally means that four planets are lined up in the shape of a cross. Each planet carries energy and brings certain aspects of our lives to the surface. Planets opposite each other create a juggling act and a need for balance.   Mercury represents communication.  Uranus breaks down structure and the rules change. Jupiter expands and represents good fortune. Pluto represents rebirth and total transformation, which must happen for evolution to occur. A 3 Month Future Prediction Astrology Report will show you what areas you can expect this rebirth to happen in, as well as tips for making it go smoothly. It’s often as easy as letting go of the old way and letting new patterns emerge.

If you’d like one, Paypal and email me your birth date, time and location of birth.

My happiness depends on me, so you’re off the hook

Tell everyone you know: “My happiness depends on me, so you’re off the hook.” And then demonstrate it. Be happy, no matter what they’re doing. Practice feeling good, no matter what. And before you know it, you will not give anyone else responsibility for the way you feel — and then, you’ll love them all. Because the only reason you don’t love them, is because you’re using them as your excuse to not feel good. -Abraham

Everything you attract is because of the story you tell

Each and every component that makes up your life experience is drawn to you by the powerful Law of Attraction’s response to the thoughts you think and the story you tell about your life. Your money and financial assets; your body’s state of wellness, clarity, flexibility, size and shape; your work environment, how you are treated, work satisfaction and rewards – indeed, the very happiness of your life experience in general – is all happening because of the story that you tell. Abraham-Hicks

Psychopaths: 30 Red Flags

There are a lot of phenomenal studies on the traits and characteristics of psychopaths. For professional research, check out Cleckley’s criteria or Hare’s psychopathy checklist. A quick Google search ought to do the trick. The red flags here book are intended to supplement those resources.  So what’s different about this list? Well, for one, it’s specifically about relationships. But it’s also about you. Each point requires introspection and self-awareness. Because if you want to spot toxic people, you cannot focus entirely on their behavior—that’s only half the battle. You must also come to recognize the looming red flags in your own heart. Then, you will be ready for anything. Continue reading

Psychopath Free

“Psychopaths poison minds—that is their greatest skill. After they sink their claws into you, they begin to twist your words and manipulate your mind. You will never again experience someone who so carefully manufactures your every thought. Once you are free from their calculated games, you will be horrified to discover how deeply you were triangulated against perfectly good people, and led into a constant state of negativity and anxiety. And when the parasite is gone from your life for good, your free-will slowly returns as the false reality finally comes crashing down. You realize it was not you and the psychopath against the world—it was only the psychopath against you.” PsychoPathFree on FB  A heavy lesson! Yay for coming out on the other side of it remembering who you are and that YOU are the one in charge of what thoughts you choose to let repeat in your head from this point forward. You vibed there once, you don’t need to vibe there again. The best is yet to be (psychopath free.)

Radha Krishna: Not So Typical Love Story

Radha Krishna: Not So Typical Love Story  Now that I have told you two love stories, I’m going to move on to something much greater than anything you have heard of before. Hold your elephants, this story is going to strike you straight in the heart with my love arrows! The stirring tale I will tell you is about Radha Krishna. The proper way to say it is Radha and Krishna but they are just so darn in love with each other that both their names have combined into one; now isn’t that just crazy?! Continue reading

When the new one claims to have crazy exes

If anyone claims to have a bunch of crazy exes, ask yourself what the common denominator is.  Be informed, especially if you have children. Ask yourself, “How does someone get to a place where they have zero friends but me, whom they’ve just met?”
They didn’t know their partner had a secret life
Profile of the Sociopath and the Narcisscist
How to spot a sociopath – 10 red flags
Psychopaths: 30 Red Flags
Beware the narcissist disguised as your soul mate

Sept 15-22 you find the push to end a toxic relationship

Did you see how big and bright Venus was last night, low in the western sky? Venus entered Scorpio today, can you feel it? On Sept 18, Venus, Saturn and the North Node are side by side, so between Sept 15-21 you’ll have that needed push to end unhealthy relationships. It could be that the most toxic relationship of all is between you and your OLD self talk.  Isn’t it time?

When you find The One, it’s not heavy maintenance

On December 21, 2009,  I posted on Facebook: Sitting on my 80-something uncle’s front porch, rocking in our chairs, he asked me, “don’t you want someone to sit with at the end of the day, just to watch the sun go down and drink tea with?” Sure I do, I said, it’s the other 23 hours a day maintenance that is too big a price to pay.  I realize only now at 61 that not all partners require heavy maintenance.  In youth, I always had a lot going on at once and if someone wasn’t able to run on autopilot, I didn’t have much patience for them. I loved all my partners and they were perfect at the time and we’re friends to this day. But I realize now that when you find The One, it doesn’t have to require heavy maintenance. Everything can just flow. Everything can be easy. Everything can be fascinating yet familiar. All the puzzle pieces can fit into place in every way imaginable. I used to consider that a romantic myth. I am a skeptic and I don’t believe anything I haven’t experienced firsthand. Everything I know is always subject to change upon evolution of my consciousness.