Author Archives: Andrea

Help me find my hair donut!

imageREWARD! BOLO Indialantic beachwalkers! I lost my hair donut walking the beach at high tide, be on the lookout for it!  I walked down stairs No. 11, then up stairs No. 10, then over behind Wendy’s to shower sand off, then back across to car parked between No. 10 and 11. This is what it will look like on the sand, Ok, it’s just a brown sock with the toe cut out and all rolled up like a donut, but it’s an important hair management device. A reward to the finder! — feeling hopeful.

It’s a beautiful day

A beautiful Saturday, windows open to the cool air, squirrels chattering, birds singing, MiniCow doing her can can dance – can a kitty get a can? Yes, she can can. Just returned from a lap through the downtown Melbourne art festival, lotsa folks having lotsa fun. It’s a beautiful day to be outside. It’s a beautiful day to be inside. It’s a beautiful day to be.

What do you mean when you say you’ve manifested something?

My friend Renelle West wrote on Facebook: “I have a question. What do you mean when you say you’ve “manifested” an event or a circumstance? I’ve heard people say it when they had a financial windfall, and when they experienced an unpleasant or unwanted event. How would you define the word “manifest” as you use it?”
Andrea commented: Good question. As I use the word, I “manifest” something when I have attracted something to myself: a person, a circumstance. The steps I use to manifest something are to place my attention on it, knowing it’s possible for it to occur and then run a visualization in my head several times a day of what it would be like to be in that situation. How would I feel when I met the right person with the right info to take me to the next level, to offer me the right job, to invite me on a fun adventure, to join with me in a business venture, to connect me with a lost child or friend, to have the remedy for a health blip, to find me the discounted airfare, to let me have peace of mind no matter my circumstances, to gift me with new windows for the house or whatever I seek to do or have.

National Poetry Day 2013

The first poem I remember writing was about age 12. It was:

I hide myself
Inside myself
So no one else can see.
Why should I let the others in
When I belong to me?

A Universal closure letter, Working it out Energetically

Two friends recently split and it played out in flying colors in front of friends and family for a year. Each has their own version of what happened. Both admit feeling unheard, misunderstood and disrepected. Domino said “I have written to him what I thought was compassionate and real, it was met with blame and accusations.” But she seeks closure. For me, when I need to be heard, I need to write things out to a partner so I can have my complete say. I like to ask them to do the same, but not everyone can or will explain and express their emotions in writing.  I suggested she write the letter to me and that way the work would still be done.  The “work” of working a situation out energetically, such as in reflection, prayer and Hawaiian Forgiveness Ho’oponopono Process  My experience is that if work is being done by even one, tension between them will begin to soften. One or both parties “working” on it energetically, by reflecting on their part and taking responsibility, by seeking forgiveness and amicable closure, will change the energy the other receives from them and reacts to.  This doesn’t mean they will speak or write in the physical, but just to energetically change the feeling within your heart. Doing the energetic work not only frees the one doing the work, it frees everyone involved.  No one can weave with you a bond of discord if you contribute no strands to the weaving.   Here is the letter she wrote me.  It was so Universal that I asked to share it here with you. Continue reading

Back to the Garden

I spent time yesterday clearing brush in the new patio area of the east garden. I last redid this patio area in February 2012 and it was due for an update. I trimmed the giant bird of paradise plant way back and am slowly digging it out of the ground. I uprooted about 30 miles of ferns and wedelia from the overgrown garden beds. With a rake, I rolled ferns, wedelia and pine needles under the bamboo to act as mulch. It’s the first time in months I’ve spent any real time working in the yard, and it felt good.  Yard work is something I really enjoy having quiet time to do.  Done solitary, it becomes a meditation and a holy act of communion with nature.  Clearing the ferns and wedelia from beneath them, I could feel the arbicola and turk’s cap breathe a sign of relief – ah, breathing room! Continue reading