Author Archives: Andrea

Don’t give yourself something extra to worry about. If you focus there, you’ll vibe there

focus magic-wand copyA friend wrote and asked, “Do you feel it would be wise to remove our savings from the bank until all of this mess with the government is over? Hubby worried about a run on the banks if the government is not funded…your spidey sense?”  I wrote  back that I didn’t know what was going on but that I did not feel in jeopardy.  I briefly wondered if I should ask my partner what he thought, then I remembered that all that matters is what I myself believe and expect to happen. I remembered that when I really understand how I attract people, circumstances and events into my life, I don’t worry about stuff like this.  If I dwell on problems and talk about them and theorize about them with pals, that keeps me feeling vulnerable, and that keeps me attracting more to feel insecure about. We will not eradicate the problems of this planet, but we can delete them from our own experience.  We do that by taking our focus off what aggravates us and makes us feel insecure, and putting our focus on something that makes us have good feeling emotion.   Continue reading

I love an unsolicited testimonial

“Just a quick update from the reading you did a month or two back – You mentioned my brother needing surgery for something and there may be some complications, but all will bring the family together – got the call today artery blockage to his heart.  Just another confirmation under your belt!”

This morning’s nature walk around the compound

camphor seedlingsfirepit on patioI noticed yesterday I have tons of little camphor tree seedlings about 4-8″ tall in my courtyard. I Googled and find they are an invasive species… This morning I pulled up about a hundred of them from under the tree itself. I pulled up dozens of ferns with them and also cleared the ferns out of the path to the firepit.  Later I’ll pull weeds and ferns out of the sitting circle and place throw rugs down underneath the chairs, to make it more civilized for my more genteel friends.

We’re all looking for a family to fit in with

When we spoke last night, she said she felt like the loneliest person in the world. This despite living with several family members and within walking distance to several others, and despite working with many coworkers for many years. “That’s the problem,” she said, “we’ve all known each other too many years. We’ve had our ups and downs and none of us are afraid to speak up. Now years later it’s a big war and that doesn’t feel like family.  I need a new family.”  I’ve known Domino and her family 20+ years. What they all share in common is that everyone periodically flares up and no one wants to take responsibility. They each think there’s only one way.  They each try to get some of the others into alliance with them, to go against another group of them.  Through the years, they’ve done some hateful stuff to each other, yet no one will admit any past wrongdoing. Domino usually solves the problem by distracting herself with a new man or new people to hang with who don’t know her. Then she starts something there and has to move on.  She doesn’t see that this is why she is so lonely ~ she has alienated everyone who knows her. She has taken advantage of them, lied to them and about them, purposely caused trouble, and refuses to take responsibility for having done it. “Ok, I was in a bad place and I did stupid things.  There’s no excuse and I apologize.” That’s all it would have taken, but she does not see it.  This is why she’s lonely. Everyone is tired of it.

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To someone looking in, my work doesn’t always look like work

A galpal jokes that I’ll say I’m going back to work or going to nap, then she’ll see me posting videos on Facebook of my bamboo growing or saying I’m going out to mow the grass.  I laughed because I hear that a lot.  That’s the beauty of having the job I have. The main part of my job is preparing my consciousness to do the work I do. Preparing my mind by focusing my intent, preparing myself to be open and receptive to guidance. I do this by a series of little routines, sometimes it’s just a break for yoga and meditation in the woods. Sometimes a walk down to the firepit inspires me to begin clearing a trail or pruning a hedge, rooting the cuttings in the ground, watering it all in.  All these things I do as my routine to wind down and get into the mind state that allows me to receive guidance and do my work. Sometimes I clean or rearrange furniture to wind down, often I play silently on Facebook. So when I’m doing these things, believe it or not, I may be working.  At this stage of my life, I’m never surprised at what work looks like.  To someone looking in, my work day consists of me getting up and visiting with a friend then checking email then maybe mowing the grass then taking videos of the cat, then back at the desk for Facebook, then some astrology charts and magazine work, then taking a pic of whatever I’m cooking for dinner and putting that on Facebook.  And yes, if I do it right, that can be a full day’s work.

Sunrise over the Indian River

Photo by Gary Leggett

Photo by Gary Leggett

I took a predawn ride to the Indian River this morning and watched the sunrise. It came up fast and orange and glowing so brilliant I could only watch for a few moments.  Peering down into the water, I could see crabs fumbling around, and there were egrets and ibis walking around feeding on the little fish left by the crabber’s net. Then home to play in the yard awhile and give the mulberry tree a good watering.  Ok, I also worked…

Astrology: right now I’m more a Gemini than an Aries

zodiac astrology spiritual by AndreaThe last few years I’ve become very chatty and notice in my astrology that I am a progressed Gemini. That means at this time in my life, I am likely to behave and think more Gemini-like than Aries-like. As I study the Gemini traits, I  see where it makes sense.  Interesting how that works, it gives me insight into me right now.  If you’d like to know yours, just let me know.

Spiritual Astrology reports $22

If you can’t ignore an existing reality, morph it

“Every day you spend on this earth is a day closer to finally living.” A friend turned me on to the quotes of Yasmin Mogahed. She’s Islamic but her messages are universal.  She also says “Ignoring a Reality doesn’t make it less Real. It’s still going to happen. Being unprepared for something doesn’t stop it from happening.” A friend brought that to my attention and asked if I agreed with it, citing her quarrelsome, buttinski mother in law.  “Me ignoring her isn’t going to make her any less of a bitch.”  I don’t disagree with it, but my experience is that while ignoring a “reality” doesn’t make it less “real,” placing your attention elsewhere will take you out of vibrational resonance with it, thus it becomes less “real” in your experience. Continue reading

The transformer blows but I do not lose power

Early Sunday morning while listening to a private piano concerto and sauteing veggies and parsley garlic hummus to go in toasted burritos for brunch, I heard a transformer blow, which usually signals our power going down. It didn’t. An FPL truck came by and said someone reported me out of power. I am on a different grid than across the street. Through the decades, they usually have power when my block loses it. Not this time. What happened was the FPL dude was confused since both mailboxes are on my side of the street.