Author Archives: Andrea

The planet Jupiter is now retrograde through March 6, 2014

jupiterThe planet Jupiter represents luck and generosity and expansion. Where ever Jupiter is in your birth chart is the area you will have luck.  When Jupiter moves through your astrological houses, it is called transitting the houses. Whatever house of yours Jupiter is transitting is where you will have change.  When Jupiter turns retrograde, the action of Jupiter is reversed so that the emphasis is upon inner awareness and inner growth. When opportunities arise while Jupiter is retrograde, they are the result of seeds planted in the past from people met or connections made in the past. In normal conditions, Jupiter is the provider of wisdom, intelligence and happiness. A retrograde Jupiter is equivalent to training mystical power and strength. Transitting Jupiter is now in my 4th house of home and family.  For me, this means:  Continue reading

I spent the afternoon in sewing heaven

It’s been a week of mostly playing, although as a workaholic I get some work done even on days off.  I am back to my routine of doing laps around the neighborhood, which is something I’m happy to get back to. Some of my best insights come to me when I’m walking alone at all hours.  Plus it’s a break since I live and work at home.  I check email when I wake up and this morning I found my Paypal debit card had been hacked. I called and they took care of it right away.  A gorgeous day outside, like 75 degrees, low humidity, so I spent the morning working in the yard.  I pulled a few miles of wedelia and potato vine, and moved a dozen potted plants off my east patio. Since I’ve removed a privacy line of a dozen loquat saplings, I wanted to change the view from the street.  I formed a new path with the stepping stones and grouped the potted plants together at the end of the path.  I love the new look, and I have more room to enjoy my east patio. Continue reading

Catfish are people sent to keep us on our toes

catfish jumpingJust turned on Catfish The Movie, a very cool documentary about a guy who meets someone online who is not who they said they were. There’s a story, when live cod were shipped to Asia from North America, the fish’s inactivity in their tanks resulted in only mushy flesh reaching the destination; but fishermen found that putting catfish in the tanks with the cod kept them active, and thus ensured the quality of the fish. CATFISH are people in everyone’s lives who keep us active, always on our toes and always thinking.  Interesting! The woman/catfish in the documentary that has him on the hook is a good fiction writer, she could be paid for making stuff up, rather than just to keep from being bored. People don’t realize that the path of least resistance for them is where their success lies. Even if they are just a bored scammer.  She could turn that into a paying career, rather than playing with other people’s hearts. God works thru people like that no less than He works thru me and you.

My Paypal debit card gets hacked – with happy ending

hacked ok nowMy Paypal debit card got hacked! But even when “bad” stuff happens to me, it’s not all that bad.  I saw it as soon as I checked email, then called and Paypal reversed it right away and ordered a new card sent.  Although I got hacked, I didn’t lose any money.  I purposely keep a very low balance in my account.  The only way it could have happened is if a dishonest employee wrote the number down and used it unethically. Since I only use my Paypal debit card for automatic payments, and I only have one of those, I contacted VM and wrote, “I love VM, thanks for existing. I use my Paypal debit card to pay you each month and this month, 4 days after you ran the charge, my Paypal card number was hacked. I use the card only to pay you, my only automatic payment, so my thought is management might have a chat with the person who had access to that card number to process the payment. They might also take note of what other customers s/he handled that day. Those customers may not make the connection if they use their card a lot. I don’t, so it’s a no brainer. I’ll get the new card number to you when I get it. Thanks for all you do! And one dishonest employee does not turn me against VM *hug*”  I don’t hold it against them and I wanted to give them a heads up to help break a cycle.

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How beautiful to decide to deal with the monster under the bed

I love it when friends write about past mistakes they’ve made and what they’ve learned from them; when they take responsibility for what they’ve attracted in the Now as a result. A friend writes: “I think it is fair to say that my friends, family, peers and loved ones know that I don’t exactly have a propensity toward anger. Assuming that is true I did something a couple of days ago that would make up for a lifetime of refraining from this destructive emotion of anger when I wrote a letter that was unmerited, unjustified, critical and on the mean spirited side to another professional who has only had my best interest at heart. This begs the ultimate question “Have I lost my ever loving frickin mind”? The letter reflected nothing less than projection which reflected an anger that is totally displaced. Bringing pain and heart ache into the lives of others is not consistent with any form of spirituality that I am aware of.

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