Author Archives: Andrea

My lack of social activism on environmental issues is not “unloving”

I apologize to anyone who sees my lack of social activism on environmental issues as “unloving,” I am busy working several jobs to feed and clothe and house loved ones in my immediate environment. Not everyone has the luxury of time to be active in all worthy local causes. I do what I can with what I have. In all fairness, when friends want me to write a protest letter to the government,  I ask them to please write the letter for me that all I would have to do is sign if I agree. That’s why I send return envelopes with invoices: to make it easy for someone to do what I’m asking them to do, since they are likely as busy as I am.  I work up to 18 hours a day and don’t have time to familiarize myself with issues they are immersed in.  They know much more about it than I do.  The issue is right in front of them, not me. I pay attention to what is right in front of me. What is in front of me is mine to do. What is in front of you is yours to do.  If you want my help in attending to your priority, please make it easy for me.

Exchange Club Yellow Umbrella needs Secret Santas!

Yellow Umbrella Logo_mediumExchange Club Yellow Umbrella is looking for people to adopt Christmas Angel Wishes and need to supply over 60,000 toys to Brevard’s needy children.  They need lots of Secret Santa’s!  Any help you can give would be appreciated, plus being able to send huge blessings to everyone in this season of great joy and love.  Call  321-951-7179 in Palm Bay and in Cocoa call 321-433-3570.  You can also help Exchange Club Yellow Umbrella automatically every time you web search.

Yay for men who know how to give a gift

backpackJust got gifted an awesome backpack the perfect size for picky me. Yay for a mate who knows what I like! It’s a lightweight daypack and it’s tall and similar to the one here. I can fit all my camera equipment and chargers into it.  I’ve been wanting one awhile but didn’t want a bulky one. This is perfect.

10 Signs Your Man Is A Psychopath

I’m personally done with this topic but excellent article here.  Mine attracted a perfect vibrational match after me, don’t fret, they won’t be around long. The article:  “Are you in a relationship with a psychopath? You might think that’s something you’d know right away by the red tint of evil in the person’s eyes, the swastika tat on the forehead, or the insistence on discussing serial killers over dinner. But nope! Psychopaths can be extremely charming and come across like Prince Charming at first. So unless you know the signs, you’d probably get sucked into the life of a psychopath and not know who he or she really was until you are completely sucker punched. Here are 10 signs you should look out for to quickly identify a psychopath.    Continue reading

Sleep walking, sleep working

I love it when I wake up and begin to do phone calls and texts and go into website control panels and password files and realize I’m not as awake as I thought.  I apologize to anyone who got caught up in my sleepwalking, sleepworking, sleep texting and sleep calling of earlier this evening. I thought I was awake. It’s been many moons since I sleptwalk. It’s the reason I began to keep chimes at all the doors, so when I’d open a door, the sound could wake me.  The craziest thing I ever did while sleep walking was either stuffing my pillow into the refrigerator or loading books into the the washing machine, which thankfully I failed to turn on.

RELATED: I thought my sleepwalking days were over
I Sleep Tossed My Eyeglasses Into The Trash
The Weirdest Things I’ve Done While Sleepwalking

smiley girl-72Do you ever stop and wonder what really super cool thing is going to happen next that right now you can’t even imagine that much good happening all at one time? I feel that way alot, unwrapping this Present..

Bump in the night, unseen help, invisible counselors

CasperMy house is a real talker. I’ve only recently become aware of it. Twice a friend mentioned he heard me in my office when I was at the other end of the house.  Well, I live under an oak tree canopy, so the branches make sounds in the wind as they touch the house, and there are always squirrels running across the roof. It could be a dead branch falling, birds dropping acorns.  But just now I heard it. Sitting in the living room, I heard a sound coming from the office, as if someone moving around in there. Scary? Nah, I’m pretty excited. Maybe it’s my doppelganger or etheric double.  If they’re anything like me, they are workaholics and will jump into work anytime they feel restless. That means I could be getting some unseen help around here! I’m all for that. Want to know my story about getting unseen help?  Check out the free download of my Invisible Counselors Workbook – on page 96 through 107 I tell my experience with my own sessions.

Why darkness is important to recuperative sleep

DARKNESS IS IMPORTANT TO RECUPERATIVE SLEEP.  In order to get the highest quality sleep, you need to be in a room that is dark as possible. Even the slightest bit of light can disrupt your body’s circadian rhythm and production of melatonin and serotonin, two hormones vital to your health. Many people are not aware that exposure to the smallest amount of light at night will cause your body to halt production of those hormones. Exposure to light while your body is trying to sleep activates your stress response and weakens your immune system, which is why irregular sleep cycles can lead to stress-related disorders. Many of your major organs and body systems have their own internal clocks. These clocks influence everything from your body temperature to hormone production to your heart rate. When these clocks are out of whack, all kinds of things can happen which impact your daily life and your overall health. See these links for tips on getting good sleep naturally:   Continue reading