Author Archives: Andrea

My cat reminds me to think bigger and enlarge my territory

Yinnie my mini cow

Yinnie my minicow

YinYang laid down for a nap last night with her head on the repeat key of the electric calculator.  I keep particular numbers on my digital display as numerology intentions. I just realized that when she hits the repeat key, she’s suggesting I expand my territory to twice what I initially intended. She is my guru for sure.

Using Coconut Oil to Treat Herpes

Extra Virgin, Certified Organic

Extra Virgin, Certified Organic

Another awesome use for coconut oil. I suggest friends keep it on hand as a sensual personal lubricant that is also antiviral, antibacterial and edible. I read dozens of people each month and am surprised the number who tell me they don’t use condoms, even with new partners. A prayer and a handful of coconut oil couldn’t hurt. Note: oil based lubricants degrade latex condoms. Herpes can be a very mild virus with no symptoms for years, until a weakened immune system causes health problems to arise. Friends have had success treating it naturally and I’ve included links to good info here.  Coconut oil is derived from the milk in coconuts and consists of coconut fat and lauric acid, a fatty acid that is transformed into monolaurin in the body. Monolaurin is an antiviral, antibacterial substance that can destroy lipid-coated viruses that cause herpes outbreaks. You can consume coconut oil and apply it topically to your skin to treat herpes. It’s simple. Here’s how:

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Full moon in Cancer on Wednesday January 15, 2014. I release past thoughts and behaviors that no longer serve me

chimnea smallI had a fire this morning, for the first time in a few months. My first job today was to purge several years’ worth of old financial records. I could have shredded and recycled them but I was due for a time of reflection and a clearing ritual. Full moon is Wednesday and the three days before and after are a powerful time for releasing what no longer serves us. As I crumbled the paper to toss into the chimenea’s blaze, I smiled to note these were statements from my best financial years!  It tickled me to see the big dollar amounts on them and the check registers reminded me of what I’d been doing. I was a lot more social then, attending weekly classes and events, attending a dozen conferences and expos a year, dining out a dozen times a week with friends and clients.  I had fun but I don’t miss that life. Continue reading

It’s important to have a tribe to sing your song to you when you forget who you are



There is a tribe in Africa where the birth date of a child is counted not from when they were born, nor from when they are conceived but from the day that the child was a thought in its mother’s mind. And when a woman decides that she will have a child, she goes off and sits under a tree, by herself, and she listens until she can hear the song of the child that wants to come. And after she’s heard the song of this child, she comes back to the man who will be the child’s father, and teaches it to him. Continue reading

Do you see good or do you see evil?

good evil testWhat do you read in the image to the left?  Some people will read evil, but many will see the good first. Interesting, huh? I didn’t see the evil until it was pointed out to me. The more I looked at it, the more often I saw the evil first. I thought how like Life that is. We go around all happy until the evil is pointed out to us, thanks to the news, etc.  After that, it’s hard to not see the evil first, when that’s all they talk about. Sometimes in this image and in Life it’s hard to see past the evil even though I know the good is there.  We are programmed by the media to look for the evil, since that’s the most provocative news. For me, it takes daily practice at looking for the good to see it despite appearances. Continue reading

Who you are and what you’ve lived is interesting enough to stand without embellishment and fabrication

I just got a review copy of a friend’s book in the mail. I have many author friends and appreciate their work. I am always delighted when someone uses their actual real life bio and actual real life lessons in their work. How they navigated their real life to get where they are now IS the story. What they really lived and how they really reacted IS important enough on its own, to stand without embelllishment. I grant everyone poetic license, however if you state you are telling an unaltered history, know that it may be read by everyone who knew you at every step of the way. They will delight in seeing any embellishment and in telling everyone they know that it was not the case. One mistruth and your credibility is jeopardized forever. WHO you are and WHAT you’ve lived is story enough, is interesting enough to stand on its own. The real story is when you’re brave enough to tell it.

When the sun sets on this life for you, you will find familiar faces waiting for you

When the sun sets upon this life for you as it will one day for all who reside here, you will open your eyes and see a familiar face. A loved one already waiting there for you, to take your hand lovingly in his; as he guides you to your true home and shows you the wonders therein. Love never dies. You will meet again. Know this as an absolute truth my friend… Tim Tedana
The End of Death As We Know It

I renew a boring double bed

I love to get into a snuggly made up bed

I love to get into a snuggly made up bed

Ah, nothing like new bedding! I wanted to refresh the bed in the back bedroom, so I bought a new mattress cover and sheets that fit perfectly. It’s an 8″ mattress and my fitted sheets fit up to a 16″ mattress.  That means it’s not a snug fit for the bed. That means the bottom sheet won’t stay tucked in.  I solved that by buying a king size flat sheet which I tucked completely around the double bed so that it stays tucked. It worked like a charm!  With the new padded mattress cover, it feels very plush.  The bed was rather low to the floor, so I added bed risers  (see coupon here) to give it another 4″ in height. I love a tall bed, it feels … majestic somehow.  These changes made it seem like a brand new bed. It was taller, more padded, the sheets were a snug, tight fit. It looked smart and felt luxurious. I love a made bed. I won’t get in a messy, unmade bed. Even when I sleep, the covers on top stay fairly straight as I move around underneath them.  That’s because I have the hugger pillow under the covers with me. Sometimes I get out of bed and I can barely tell I’ve been in there.  I love my new snug bed.

My new bedroom is finally together!

I thought $200 was kind of steep for a subscription renewal

two-one-hundred-dollar-bills-01622Holy cow, my friends ROCK! I’d written a friend’s credit card number down wrong so I couldn’t process the $22 subscription renewal. I kept thinking I’d call about it next month, then the next and it’s been a year. He just noticed I never ran it and he paypalled me $200.  I thought it was a mistake.  It was not.  Wow! Yay for me being a vibrational match to all things good.

Fiction and role playing as teaching tools for the uplifting of humanity? Absolutely

The heroine was always rescued

The heroine always needed to be rescued by the new man

I’m a ghost writer. I don’t write in my genre and it’s likely nothing you’ve ever read. I’m not into reading fiction, but… fiction and role playing as teaching tools for the uplifting of humanity? I can dig it. When I was a teen, I liked to read suspense stories. I especially liked gothic novels where the heroine inevitably went to live on some romantic far coast with an elderly aunt, meets a mysterious stranger who saves her from danger, and they ride off into the sunset happily ever after.  That was a nice recurring theme, however it didn’t mirror how I saw real life playing out.  Around me, the women I saw were working hard while not all the husbands worked. I saw women being the ones who got things done and none that I grew up around needed rescuing.  I had girlfriends who were waiting for their prince to come along to support them when they left daddy’s house. No prince for me. I saw how that prince thang had been working out. I got a job when I was 16, learned the legal age to leave home and did so the minute I was 17 and self supporting. Continue reading