Author Archives: Andrea

Another midnight shift begins

150I’m working on the March magazine and the almost-full moon just appeared over my left shoulder.  Her moonbeam is now shining brightly into my office window. I went to sleep about 6:00pm and woke up at midnight.  Our ancestors used to sleep twice a night and that’s a schedule that is most natural to me. My first sleep is usually between 4-8pm and my second between 4-8am.  It makes it easy to work, since my highest energy is as soon as I wake up.  I can get lots done first thing in the morning.  It’s about 65 degrees out there, and it’s a still night. Moon is full at 7pm Friday –> see full moon ritual here.    Continue reading

Friends of the World Gathering in Yoga Shakti Mission Palm Bay, FL on March 16, 2014

Ma Yoga Shakti invites you to join us at the Annual Friends of the World Gathering at Yoga Shakti Mission on Sunday March 16 Noon to 4pm. Anyone wishing to have a booth  please contact Shyama  at or 321 725 4024.  Free admission.  There will be a variety of cultural dances, music, drama, international food and vendor booths. We hope to provide an atmosphere of openness and genuine appreciation of each other’s special talents and cultural heritage, thereby promoting understanding and friendship of all races and cultures.   Continue reading

A fun second quarterly psychic fair at Book and Bead

I like reading cards because it teaches the client to interpret symbols for theirself

I had an awesome time at today’s Book and Bead Psychic Fair, thanks to Morgana Starr, Jeanette WaddingtonKathryn FlanaganLeslie Marlar, Teketa Shine, and of course owner Ed and manager Chris, for making it a great day. We’ll let ya know when the next one is. I wrote about the first one — > here.  Eight of my clients were the same ones I had at the December fair. The highlight for me was the woman I told in December would be having a grandchild and her daughter learned last month that she was pregnant.  Pregnancy is real prominent in the aura, so that was easy.  One woman, I knew right away that she didn’t use caffeine, alcohol or drugs ~ at all.  Another, I knew she was taking thyroid medication. These weren’t medical readings, I just knew what was in their system.  These were some highlights. Continue reading

A lucid psychic dream of a family reunion

Circle of people, holding handsI’ve been having vivid dreams.  Last night I dreamed of a year ago, when several loved ones passed within days of an accident.  I wrote at I have a lucid mom visitation as loved ones are passing that it was a most vivid dream of our family gathering in a circle around the hospital bed and singing together.  Last night’s dream was a vivid family reunion of those who’ve passed.  It felt absolutely real.    Continue reading

How to fix when Google Chrome gets stuck in Windows 8 Mode

I’ve got Windows 8 and love it. Don’t believe the hype, it’s easy to figure out. Last week I was browsing away when Google Chrome asked me if I wanted to “Relaunch Chrome in Windows 8 Mode”… and before I knew I’d clicked yes.  Suddenly Google Chrome didn’t appear the same way, my icons and links appeared missing. What I’d done was I got Google Chrome stuck in Windows 8 Mode. To make it go back the way it was, I had to get back to Desktop Mode.  My computer guru Chuck gave me the fix:
Go into Google Chrome
Click the set of bars to the upper right of the toolbar
Choose Relaunch as Chrome Desktop