Author Archives: Andrea

The Void of Course Moon

full moon clouds tinyI don’t sign contracts or conduct initial contacts during a void of course moon.  To me, it’s a good time to take a breather on those activities for the few minutes or hours until when the moon is out of void. The void-of-course period of the Moon is the period of time from the moment the Moon makes the last contact with any planet in the current Sign of the Zodiac, and until it enters the next sign. The void-of-course period can be very short, only a few minutes, but it can also be very long, about two days.  Here’s a Universal Lunar Calendar that shows it.   So what does the void of course Moon have to do with my daily life?    Continue reading

No one can weave with you a bond of hatred if you contribute no strands to the weaving

A Christian friend doesn’t understand how forgiving someone can help free him. I’d said “The moment you can truly forgive (Matthew 5:44 Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you) is the moment the doors will open and you’ll be set free.” I say it works because no one can weave with you a bond of hatred if you contribute no strands to the weaving. Let it ALL go and your cork will bob to the surface in a heartbeat.

Hawaiian Forgiveness Ho’oponopono Process 

Was it the bad penny’s karma to fall?

penny droppingA friend asked today, “didn’t Buddha say there’s no such thing as karma?” I told him, to me, this is karma: I pick this penny up off the desk and let go of it. It falls. Cause and effect. I do one thing, a consequence naturally follows. The penny didn’t fall because it was bad. It fell because Z happens when you do XY.

I hosed off my white keyboard in the front yard

I just bought a new keyboard, I like a white one with a firm touch and they’re not always easy to find. I took my old one out – it’s washable – and hosed it off in the yard. I was both disgusted and saddened at seeing all the grey kitty hair from my Izzy who passed this time last year. I may need a better system for keeping my keyboard clean.

If I think I have a message for you, that message is for me

mirror girl holding chains copyI’ve learned that every time I think I have a message I need to tell someone, that message is for me. You, too.  Wait, I can’t say that. If I think it’s for you, it’s for me. If you think it’s for me, it’s for you. If either of us are thinking there is a “you” and a “me” that are not one and the same, we are hilariously mistaken. Always, I ask, “What is my lesson in this? If this is for me, please show me how it applies. If I feel offended or in any way triggered, I know I have emotional work to do.  Please open my eyes, guide me to that work and give me strength to accomplish that work.” That’s a variation on the prayer I said for years, “Guide me to do your will and give me strength to bear your will.”  The words of my prayers change as I awaken to an ever-deepening understanding of the nature of God. The deeper my understanding, the more I realize there is zero separation between any of us, and the quicker I rebound from feeling offended.  It’s a process. It still happens. I think I have a message for someone and it turns out that message is for me.  Thankfully I am quicker to recognize it than I used to be. Did you think this message was for you?

I love a good festival of sleep

Sleep restful by pino72Awakening from a long night’s sleep can feel like being in a drunken stupor.  I awoke at 4:00 am wondering, “What did I do last night???” I’d worked Saturday long into the night finishing the March magazine. Sunday morning we went to the Lightworkers’ Circle at Aquarian Dreams, then afterward for an adventure on the beach and lunch overlooking the water.  Oh, right, it’s coming to me now, the giant baked potato as big as my head.  We came home, I finished the magazine and sent it in to the printer, then about 6:00 pm it was nap time. Which for me turned into a long winter’s nap of 10 hours.   Continue reading

Creative Visualization to Attract Dollars Now

If you think Mondays suck and that winning the lotto will save your life from sucking, a heads up: If you’re vibing in the place of “life sucks” then you’re not vibing in the place of “money comes to me.” Find something to love about your life right now and trust me your entire world can freaken change for the better in a heartbeat. Or, you can go to work and tell everyone what a sucky day it is. Your choice.  Also, spend a few minutes a day in creative visualization about what you want and how it would feel to have it. Just reading about it will put you in the vibe to attract more dollars to you.   See?  Right here, right now, you just attracted this message.  Things are looking up already.


RELATED: How can you expect a $$ windfall when you are on a fixed income?
Meditation Twice A Day
The Creative Visualization Process
Creative Visualization the 51% rule
My Paypal Visualization
My Making Up The Bank Deposit Visualization
More lottery wins
I Predict 4 Of Saturday’s Lotto Numbers
An 8 minute creative visualization to increase dollars
How can you expect a $$ windfall when you are on a fixed income?
Money/supply comes out of us like an oak from an acorn
It’s all related

LEARN FREE: The Secret2Dollars. No cost, no kidding.
Donate $1 for good luck & karma


Taking time to bask when life gets good

For some reason, this two year old post –> When do you help others and when do you help yourself is getting lots of views this week. When I hit 40, guidance began flooding out of me and I wrote almost 24/7.  When I read now what I wrote 10, 15, 20 years ago, it is always relevant to something in my life that I failed to see at the time it was written. At 40, I thought I understood.  At 60, I realize I’m just beginning to scratch the surface.  It’s like when I had a vegetarian boyfriend a dozen years before “healthy eating” really sunk in for me and I changed my own eating habits. I “learned” the information in 1992, but didn’t “grok” the information until 2004. Like the volumes of spiritual books that I read early on and highlighted here and underlined there, only to read years later and wonder why  I highlighted the least insightful parts?  It does not matter, it can be right in front of us and be handed to us on a platter, but if we are not in the right state of consciousness to receive it, it will not be ours for long. Things will come to us throughout our life, and we determine what stays and what slips away. Just like any thought that we have, we may not be able to control what pops into our head, but we can control what thoughts we allow to linger and develop.  And for how long. Continue reading

Seeking readers and vendors in Central Florida: Psychic Fairs, March 15-16 and March 22-23

psychic fairs suzanne lindeMarch 15-16 and March 22-23: We have space for more Psychic Mediums and vendors, especially a crystal vendor if you know anyone who may be interested.  Psychic Fairs with world renowned Medium Gerta Lestock from the HBO Documentary “No One Dies in Lily Dale” featuring : Psychic Mediums from New York and Florida • Lily Dale Mediums • Psychic Readings • Tarot Cards • Palmistry • Astrology • Numerology • Crystals • Jewelry.   Single Day Admission $7 Weekend Admission $10 Children 12 and under Free.  Show Hours both events Sat. 10-6 Sun. 10-6.  For more information visit
PSYCHIC FAIR March 15-16 Apopka Elk’s  #2422  201 West Orange St. Apopka, FL 32703
PSYCHIC FAIR March 22-23 Port Orange Elk’s #2723, 5702 Ridgewood Ave 32127