Author Archives: Andrea

The August Horizons is now online, here are the horoscopes

August 2020

The August 2020 Horizons is now online at

Aries – (March 19 – April 18)
Unusual dynamism and an emotional sector in focus, dear Aries! You will not stay in place, so plan a lot of activities! Mars at home accentuates your natural zest. Until the 22nd, the Sun in Leo lodges in your love sector: renewed passion or a summer fling? From 6th to 21st, Mercury in Leo supports your requests and your communication. During the first week, Venus in Gemini promotes a meeting, from the 8th to the 31st, love is at home! A global cluster slightly shakes up your socio-professional sector, except for the third decan, some readjustments are to be expected in September. Uranus in Taurus square in your Sun, first decan, creeps into your wallet: surprises are on the program! From the 23rd, the Sun and Mercury arrives in Virgo and prepares you nicely for the imminent fall.

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The July Horizons is now online, here are the horoscopes

July 2020

The July 2020 Horizons is now online at

Aries – (March 19 – April 18) Mars your planet occupies your sign all month. It swings! Let it be said, you have the energy and the courage to live, drum beating! Venus in Gemini in beautiful aspect to your sign, in your sector relating to communication, pampers your devoted heart! Until the 22nd, the Sun in Cancer as well as Mercury all month, evokes in your home many discussions. Saturn in Capricorn, square in your sign from the 2nd, invites you to review your socio-professional sector, perhaps there is something to understand. Jupiter and Pluto induces you to let go what does not serve you or your professional evolution anymore. Uranus in Taurus announces an unexpected change in your source of income, first decan. From the 23rd to the 31st, the Sun in Leo watches over your loves!  Continue reading

Pride & Prejudice: Guest blog by Anne Marie Anderson

Anne Marie Anderson

Before I knew his name, before I saw his face, before I ever knew what hit me, I responded, I don’t reply to men without a profile picture.” Years and years of on-line dating had made me cynical. In the subject line he wrote: “Just Curious.” Innocent enough. . . yet, the communication, though normal, felt “charged” with innuendo. There was something in the way he scrambled to post his photo, trying furiously after many attempts to recapture and keep my attention. And before I could delete him, his photo popped up.

I vaguely remember being a bit surprised, but I clearly remember saying out loud, “Hmmm, this should be interesting.” I cringed as I read his profile. He was 13 years younger than me; divorced; in fact NEWLY divorced, (making me, ugh, rebound girl, a definite RED flag). His very first question was about the white paper I wrote to influence changing the disabled parking laws. I was bewitched. 

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The June Horizons is now online, here are the horoscopes

June 2020

There will be no print edition this month due to the Covid-19 virus quarantine closing of many businesses. As of June 1, many stores are open and have curbside shopping available. The June 2020 Horizons is now online at  Our astrologer is off to new adventures so we’re seeking another horoscope writer. Email Andrea at  Until then I found few online whose interpretations I resonate with.  This is from

Focus on communication and romance, dear Aries! The Sun, in Gemini until the 20th, escorted by Venus, during the whole month, pampers your relationship sector, your mind is happy, your thoughts tempting, even seductive! You will have tact and a bit of diplomacy, which surprise your interlocutors! Mars your planet, in Pisces until the 28th, will have some difficulties expressing things as you wish.

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You cannot begin to understand the nature of mass events of any kind unless you consider the even greater framework in which they have their existence. A person’s private experience happens in the context of his psychological and biological status and basically cannot be separated from his religious and philosophical beliefs and sentiments and his cultural environment and political framework

All of the issues formed together to make a trellis of behavior, thorns or roses may grow therein that is the individual will grow outward toward the world encountering and forming a practical experience traveling outward from Center in almost vine like fashion forming from the fabric of physical reality a conglomeration of pleasant or aesthetic and unpleasant or prickly events.

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How to ask for inner guidance

Is your job, the life you’ve grown to know disappearing? DON’T FREAK OUT. You have access to lots more inner guidance than you’re aware of right now.  If you could see where you’ll be 2 years from now, you’d smile that you were nervous and uncertain about it right now. Your world is just beginning to change is all.

When you open your inner eye, you’ll begin to see your world in a new way.

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The May 2020 Horizons Magazine is now online and here are the horoscopes

May 2020

There will be no print edition this month due to the Covid-19 virus quarantine closing of many businesses. As of May 14, most stores have curbside shopping available, some open now. The May 2020 Horizons is now online at  Our astrologer is off to new adventures so we’re seeking another super cool horoscope writer. Email Andrea at Until then I found a couple online whose interpretations I resonate with.  This is from

Aries – (March 19 – April 18)
The major influences, in the earth sign, need to be integrated: nice, you love a good challenge, dear Aries! Until the 20th, the Sun and Uranus, first decan, in Taurus, act in your financial sector, money coming in or out, make your choice! Mars, your planet, in Aquarius, until the 14th, assures you a beautiful productive energy and a solid social network. Continue reading

Does focusing on “it” attract “it?”

I’ve not been updating this blog because I’m on Facebook all day and I interact there.
A Facebook friend wrote,I am starting to wonder about this thing called “Attraction.” Who is showing more Faith as Christians would say. So my question is The Minister has Faith he and his flock of friends will not get sick. Whereas you say you sprayed disinfectant on your neighbor’s mailbox. Does that not draw through Law of Attraction the fear of this Virus and of course the Virus? Just wondering.”

Andrea’s response:  That was an excellent observation. My experience is what someone does and says does not always reflect their vibrational resonance. We attract what we resonate with, not what WE SAY we resonate with. Also, without knowing their life, we don’t know how much momentum is in motion from previous actions.

Manifestation = belief plus expectation, intention and  focus, minus resistance and momentum from prior actions. Continue reading

Sheltering in Place. There will be no print edition of the May or June Horizons

Since non-essential stores and practitioners are closed through April 30, I spoke to them and we decided to not print a May Horizons to let everyone catch back up.  All businesses will be back open as soon as the government gives the ok.  

There is a May issue online and there will be a June issue online. Fingers crossed for all to be back to normal in time for the July issue.  If you’re an advertiser or subscriber, your contract will be extended by two months. Deadline for the June online Horizons is May 20th.

The May Horizons is now online and here are the horoscopes.


The April 2020 Horizons Magazine is now online and here are the horoscopes

The April 2020 Horizons is now online at  Our astrologer is off to new adventures so we’re seeking another super cool horoscope writer. Email Andrea at Until then I found a couple online whose interpretations I resonate with. April’s is from

Aries – (March 19 – April 18) Projects, social network in the limelight dear Aries! Until the 19th, your exterior personality shines, you enjoy it! Proud nature but tender footed, you do not hesitate to showcase yourself but without extinguishing others. Mercury supports your communication, your thoughts, fast, especially from the 12th to the 27th in duet with your Sun.

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