Yearly Archives: 2016

My Paypal Visualization

AOL paypal donation receivedLots of clients pay me through Paypal.  I’ve learned that whatever source of income I focus on, that’s where dollars come from during the time I’m focused on it. Here are the thoughts I specifically think during my Paypal visualization. It only takes 3 minutes. If I can do it, you can do it.
1.  In these visualization sessions, I begin by seeing myself open my email and I see the Paypal notices with the subject line “Notification of Donation Received.”
2.  I visualize a long line of emails received in one day. I take a moment to appreciate how many there are and who they are from.   Continue reading

Let’s get Loreal Gavin to California

loreal gavin wfyiMy friend Loreal Gavin a/k/a Food Network Star’s Butcher Babe is driving to California to begin her new adventure. We can share in her dream by donating a little love and gas money for the long drive! Paypal to  She’s writing a book and relocating to offer her services as a private chef.  Follow her adventures on Facebook and read the cool article below about her. Continue reading

A Call to Lightworkers to hold the vision of Trump’s Awakening

Lightworkers, you can help us hold the vision

Lightworkers, you can help us hold the vision

In this election season and in particular today where mass consciousness emotions are high, I am calling out to Lightworkers and Vision Keepers to tap into that emotion and channel it in a positive direction. I’m asking you to hold the vision with me of awakened, compassionate candidates in the race. If you feel someone dangerous is on the rise to political power, pray for his awakening and know that when many minds are gathered together with vision in prayer, miracles happen. It’s been said that when just 1% of the population meditates upon peace and lovingkindness, the effect spreads to the other 99%and it works even if they don’t believe it. Here’s how we can help.
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Let’s help Jennifer Burke and Soul Essentials recover from the fire

 Donate a few bucks to help Jenn rebuild?

Donate a few bucks to help Jenn rebuild?

Jennifer Burke from Soul Essentials lost her home in Ocala, FL on March 8, 2016. It is a total loss. We all know and love Jennifer.  You may not know she just finished radiation treatments for a brain tumor.  She needs so much to get back on her feet and we can help her do that. Please, if you can donate, any amount, even $5.00 is valuable and so much appreciated. There is a donation page at  Here’s the story and links to the news coverage and videos of the fire.  Continue reading

Ring sizes

I needed to put this where I could find it when I’m out. No hidden meanings. Middle finger is a nine and a half. Ring finger eight and a half. Index finger is a 10. The ring Frankie made for me in April 2011 is a 9.

What life would you create on a clean slate?

What life would you create with a blank slate?

What life would you create with a blank slate?

A friend send me a last minute double page ad and yesterday I was so burned out I couldn’t make sense of it. Six hours sleep, my mind is clear and I’m ready to tackle the job. Sleep is an amazing thing, it reboots us and gives us a new start. What if we woke up having forgotten we had any debt or any worries or any health problems? What kind of thoughts would we wake up thinking if it was a clean slate? What thoughts would you think? What day, what life would you create on a clean slate?

It’s comforting to know we get more than one lifetime

oak seed textSometimes I forget who I’m talking to. I was in the yard and a neighbor stopped to chat. She explained her head scarf was because she was losing her hair from chemo. I said “Modern medicine is amazing.” She said her prospects were not good. I said, “Then it’s great we have more than just one life, so when one body wears out we get another and another, lifetime after lifetime.” She stared at me and asked, “Where on earth did you get such an idea?” “Oh, it’s the only thing that makes sense.” I said. “It gets interesting when we wake up and realize that we are all part of something bigger and we all get never-ending lifetimes to do it all in. Think about it.”   Continue reading

Book Review The Butterfly Book: The Inner Journey to the Beloved by Elizabeth Stamper

Butterfly Book coverI just finished reading Elizabeth Stamper‘s book and enjoyed taking the journey with her. She’s always elegant and insightful. I bought the Kindle version for instant gratification. I read it in one sitting. Here’s my review: 
Enjoyable, insightful, a perfect script to attract your own Beloved.  Writing as a spiritual practice: as a writer and spiritual seeker, I know how powerful and productive daily writing can be. Elizabeth’s turns of phrase and prose lull me into a place of sacred silence and reflection. As a publisher in the field of body/mind/spirit, I view everything through that filter. As I read Elizabeth’s story, I recognize that she feels a connection to Presence and is using what some would call affirmations and creative visualization to make the law of attraction work in her favor, feeding her intention with her attention. She uses none of those words, however, and her writing reflects a Buddhist view.
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Joy LightIt does not matter what is going on in the rest of the world, we can chose to focus our thoughts in a way that attracts to us exactly what we want in our lives. We can change our thoughts and discipline our behaviors so much that we can have an excellent and prosperous life no matter who is in office, no matter what the official state of the economy, no matter what the scientists or environmentalists say is happening around us.

I got a big reminder tonight why disconnecting cable last November was the right thing to do. I was on a call and her husband had cable tv on in the background. I’d forgotten about commercials! omg! I kept cable for so long because I was used to it. Since I didn’t understand how all the options worked, it seemed like such a hassle to switch. Even tho I usually watched with the sound off, I kept the remote at the ready to mute at the first sign a commercial was coming. I didn’t realize how much adrenline I was generating when I thought I was relaxing. And I’d mostly let the cable listings scroll on the screen instead of watching anything. That activated my dopamine: always on the hunt for something that might interest me. A galpal laughed at me years ago when she sat at my Adobe Pagemaker screen and saw I had so many options windows open yet only a small viewing screen for the layout itself. “I like seeing what all my options are!” Once I broke my addiction to the dopamine rush of viewing the cable listing lineup (my options!), the spell of cable tv was broken. Life without commercials is a whole new world. One where I can hear myself think my own thoughts. And between Netflix and HuluPlus, I get everything I got on cable anyway.

RELATED: How I finally unplugged from cable
I wasn’t addicted to cable, I was addicted to the cable guide