Yearly Archives: 2015

This is why you should read labels before you buy

I am dying laughing. A friend had a crisis! I dashed to help. She’d bought a giant economy sized box of Poise pads for light bladder leakage. She’s 5′ tall and 96 lbs. The pads were Extra Long. She showed me they reached from above her navel to the middle of her back. When we stopped rolling on the floor laughing, I told her to exchange them for regular length. READ LABELS!  I wrote about a cool experiment with Poise pads here

My new trekking poles are speedy and make me want to keep walking

What a supercool walk this morning! I once again wore my uber padded flip flops and I like them better for walking the pavement than my hiking boots or running shoes. I am digging this walking for an hour in the morning. I tried out my new trekking poles on the street and on the dirt of the easement. Since it’s completely flat land the entire way, I was surprised how much the poles kept stress off my knees and how easy it was to go faster and propel forward once I found my rhythm using them. They give my arms a good workout, which doesn’t happen when I just walk or bike. I took them into the oak hammock at the end of the street, since there are little 5-10 foot “hills” inside, and they help pull you up the hill. Mine are like this but silver, not blue. $24.  Usually after I’ve done my walking route, I can feel it in my knees. Not this time, I felt like I wanted to keep walking.

My Ganesh with Bass will be the May 2015 cover

Ganesh with bass 5-15 coverI love that my burst of painting has given me almost two years worth of cover art. Here’s my Ganesh With Bass, he’s the May cover of Horizons. Known as the remover of all obstacles, the first prayer during puja is traditionally to Ganesha. Any auspicious work or project in Hinduism is begun with an invocation to him.  Ganesh’ vehicle is the rat, because the rat can chew thru anything.  I show him here with a bass guitar, painted for the bff, who plays bass in the kirtan band Rayananda. The bass is symbolic with Ganesh, as it provides the bottom and is deep and foundational in nature. It holds the groove and locks the band together. Just so, giving your first prayer to Ganesh before any new undertaking gives it a good foundation and helps hold the vision for its successful completion.  Ganesha can be seen all over my home and office in many forms.

RELATED: Doing a series of paintings as a form of shamanic soul retrieval
Update from the art studio
Painting is a daily meditation for me
Painting as a method of altering consciousness
I like being able to digitally correct my painting faux pas
Introducing Junelle, with open hands to take away your pain
Introducing Moon Gal with Raven and Moonstone
Introducing Rosa of the Aqua Eye

New writers, please learn basic skills so that your writing conveys to the reader what you intend to convey

I’ve been studying mystery novels on Kindle the past month. Yes, it’s cool you can publish your Kindle book with no writing experience but please, please learn the basic skills, you can study it online for free. Here’s a good basic checklist. Signed, everyone who has to read it.
I’ve not read fiction for years so I wanted to catch up with what’s out there on Kindle since I’m editing April Rane‘s next novel. One month and a dozen+ mysteries later, I appreciate April’s writing skills so much more.

I walked four miles easily because I believed it was two

walking nordic styleI woke up and wanted to walk right away, I love when that happens! I did 2 miles twice yesterday and 4 the day before. I wouldn’t have begun the walk if I’d have known it was 4 miles. Until I measured it later with my car, I thought it was 2. My own thoughts and beliefs would have limited me and prevented me from beginning, but my thought and expectation that it was just 2 miles allowed me to do it with ease. As always, what I expected and believed to be true came to pass. Cool how that works, huh?

10 benefits of Nordic Walking (walking with walking poles)
Nordic Walking is an outdoors exercise that consists in walking with walking sticks. It is specially beneficial (as aerobic exercise) to strengthen legs, hips, thighs, arms and buttocks. Results can be obtained with only 3 hours of Nordic Walking a week

How rejuvenating to my brain to take a few days of silence and take long walks each day

I’ve been taking several walks each day. For some reason, my legs want to walk. My shins hurt from the extra walking, and I find myself walking a little fast, but this is a strong body and I’m up for it. I’ve been taking just one of my trekking poles with me and sometimes Daddy’s old wooden walking stick. I posted on Facebook that I was taking a day of silence, and a pal wrote: “Not sure if being silent and posting I3, I’m counting 13 posts. How is that being silent?” I told him “LOL thanks for counting and good point! Silence to me comes in stages. The first stage is having no conversations with anyone except myself, entertaining surface thoughts. That’s the stage I’m in. A next stage is deeper thoughts with myself, and I will even share those, since I’m a writer and I journal thoughts. A next stage is thoughts that are unnecessary to share. A next stage is no thought, simply observation and basking in the goodness of It All.  I may not get there this weekend…”   Continue reading

Just got the Prologue and Chapter One!

magnolia murders book coverI’ve been hiding out and taking a few days to myself before jumping into editing April Rane‘s next book. She just sent the Prologue and Chapter One. I’m excited. I enjoyed the first mystery, Magnolia Murders.  I’m stoked she’s top rated in Amazon’s vigilante justice. There’s a preview at the link if you’re into sexy suspense thrillers –>


YinYang just drank a bunch of water then stepped outside and, um, powdered her nose in the backyard right in front of me. After what seemed like an extraordinarily productive session, she got all frisky, running back and forth then waaaaay up a tree. Drink more water all the time, Yinnie, then it won’t be such a celebration each time you poop.

A healthy, hydrated system doesn’t get constipated

Happy Easter 2015

I love spending holidays alone as days to reflect on my life.  About mid morning, an older red compact minivan with dark tinted windows drove by my house 3 times looking at it so intently they did not see me standing by the hedge watching them as I watered. I drove out to follow and make sure they weren’t lost. A few blocks away they began speeding through the neighborhoods to lose me. I figured I don’t need to be chasing anyone who’s acting crazy. All who wander aren’t lost.  I went for a great ride along the ocean, then bought two garden hoses and a sprinkler at WalMart. I chilled at home and did the laundry, Rain-Xed my windshield, watered the plants, transplanted some cuttings, walked a few miles, talked to the neighbor. I ended the day sitting on the back porch drinking apple juice and basking in the day’s glow.  I spent so many years having to spend holidays at certain houses because of family and social obligations, that now, I am thrilled to be free to stay home on a holiday. Friends and family, I love ya but… Free at last, not kidding.

4-25-15 Update: the mystery of the crazy driving red van on Easter morning has been solved. One looking just like it just picked up the two neighbor kids at the end of the street.

A sign-by-sign breakdown of the Pluto-Uranus square effect



This Good Friday’s astrological aspects are the Sun Trine Jupiter and Uranus Square Pluto.  Sun trine Jupiter brings luck and expansion. This is generally a good time to schedule new beginnings in business, education, personal relationships, marriage, creative projects. Maybe it doesn’t feel like a good time to you.  Life for many people has been riddled with curveballs. The rug has been unceremoniously pulled out from under you.  Not much has come easily. In order to pass “Go,” you’ve had to face your own shadow nature and take a hero’s journey. Rash moves and thoughtless actions have met harsh consequences. This no time to live an unexamined life.

Things are happening…even when they aren’t. Trust the “invisible realm.”

Since Pluto rules the underworld, things might be happening that aren’t apparent in tangible form yet. You may feel like you’re spinning your wheels when you aren’t. You’re just allowing a situation to undergo its due process. With impatient Uranus jumping the gun, it’s hard to remember that progress can also take time. Divine timing is where it’s at now. Time plays tricks on us—being the greatest test of our ability to stick to our beliefs or convictions.  Even with the harshest of planetary events, there’s always a greater lesson or opportunity. Here are a few suggestions for how you can navigate this:   Continue reading