Introducing Rosa of the Aqua Eye

I notice I’ve been making the eyes blue and green on each face in this series I’m doing of paintings as a shamanic soul retrieval project.  This is Rosa. I meditated on the colors and Edgar Cayce came to mind.  In his Color Meanings Of Auras, blue is considered the color of the spirit, prayer and contemplation. It signifies having found one’s work and being heavily immersed in it.  Green is the color of health, vitality and healing. A green with blue in it signifies truthfulness and trustworthyness Wearing and viewing these colors imparts that quality, so I use the blue and green of the eyes I paint to raise the level of healing vibration.  I work the color until I can feel it.  At this point in the piece to the left, I’ve just added her hand. Each of the paintings in this series will be handing me something. Which is ironic because I’ve never been good at drawing or painting hands; most were just suggestions or maybe a paw or lobster claw.  I found myself studying online tutorials to get a grasp of the hand.  Also ironic because it was a car accident in 2000 that knocked my own hands out of commission and halted my painting for several years.  

Studying the form of the hand teaches me about the dynamics of grasping something, holding it tightly or lightly.  Too tight causes tension and too lightly loses the grip.  Holding many things is a different dynamic than holding one thing at a time. As a human in a physical body, the metaphor is that we tend to hold on to many more things than we need to: physical things and thoughts and memories from the past.  We also hold onto thoughts of the future.  Yet if we dropped everything in our hands and in our minds and just BE’d, we’d learn who we really are.

I’m forcing myself to get better at creating more fluid hands. The metaphor is to receive and give equally. The hand on this one looks much better here in the photo than what I see on the canvas. That’s the thing about painting and then photographing the piece and seeing it on the monitor in Photoshop.  I see it an entirely different way.

I’m learning to see all over again.  As far as what she’s going to hand me, I am excited as you to see what her gift will be.

RELATED: Doing a series of paintings as a form of shamanic soul retrieval
Update from the art studio
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