Yearly Archives: 2013

83 Calls in 3 days is not necessarily because I’m popular

Just cleared my call history for the last 3 days: 83 calls. Everyone waiting for a call back? That’s why. That’s also why you’re not allowed to call “just to say hi.” Pals, I love ya, but ya gotta text me a hello and not call me.  The text will get answered quicker, too. I promise. A friend remarked, “I attempt to fathom that degree of popularity and, of course, fail. Appreciation for the simplicity of my relative solitude is all but tangible.” I laughed. Balancing popularity with solitude has always been my yoga. I am truly blessed. And, with all due respect, I am aware if I didn’t have a magazine and wasn’t a professional psychic, I’d get far less attention

Give me a steady mule over a bucking bronco anytime

A friend talked about being disappointed, she’d dated a wild guy because she’d heard the crazy ones were good in bed. Now she feels ripped off that she got the crazy part without getting the good in bed part. She said, “Give me a steady mule over a bucking bronco anytime.”  My experience is the quiet unassuming ones can be freaks in the sheets. I like a slow controlled burn that doesn’t leave anything in flames but my heart.

Prune With Patience

 You will never know how the Creator meant for you to blossom if you are not willing to dig deep into the dirt of the Earth. Till your heart’s soil with delight. Learn from the weeds of disappointment. Create a strong, healthy foundation. Plant new dream seeds with hope. Prune with patience. Celebrate every bud and honor the roots with care. Share your flowers when they bloom and blossom. Melody McGant

How to change thought and feeling place

A common theme that runs through the daily readings I do is how to get over an unwanted emotion caused by a stressful situation. The answer is always: fill your mind and your time with new thoughts and new behaviors. Do physical activity to integrate the feeling into your body  movements. Seek out fun activities with new people. By doing new and different things, you are rerouting the neural circuits in your brain to have new memories.  The old memories will fade into the past. Easier said than done, but it works if you work it.

It’s ok to have flirty fun

A friend and I were talking about personal trainers. I told him to get a female one to work him out. He said, “Ooh. That wd be hard not to flirt. I’m so good at it. Soon as I win someone over I move on. I caught her, now the next challenge.” Nice when a man recognizes his own pattern. Nice when he knows to not make empty promises and lets them know he’s just having flirty fun. A note to everyone I’m currently flirting with: I will never have sex with you.

I get a giant compliment from a friend

“Wow! Andrea, I can’t help but admire you. You are so ‘together,’ it gives hope for anyone who has doubted that close relations with another person can be fun and meaningful and something to actually desire.” LOL yes, you may perpetuate that myth for me!

Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster.  Nietzsche

JB disconnect my accounts from yours please

Jeremy, I just received an email saying: “The recovery email for your Google Account was recently changed. If you made this change, you don’t need to do anything more.  If you didn’t change your recovery email, someone may have broken into your account. Visit this link for more information:”  This should never have been linked to my email, please disconnect. Let me know you’ve seen this and I’ll trash it.  Thanks.