Yearly Archives: 2013

Life gets good again when you stop lying and gossiping

A client had been on a jealousy/gossip campaign against a friend’s ex and didn’t understand it was affecting other areas of her life.  It’s all related, everything.  You can’t hate your boss and co-workers and expect to find your dream job – it’s all related.  If you watch the news and get aggravated by it, that’s impacting your creation process. If anyone is unlikable and you have an emotional reaction toward them, that impacts your creation process in all areas: finances, career, relationship, health.  Her life had begun crashing down around her by the time she called me, eviction, car trouble, kids sick. I told her that was the good news.  Let the past crumble away into nothingness. Stop starting stuff up each time it dies down, stop feeling offended. Stop lying, it hurts people and comes back to you. I suggested the usual: Start over right now. Forgive, apologize, make amends, cut the cord and get on with her life. The day she did, her life began falling miraculously back into place. She began attracting people who could help her, her gossiping cohorts fell away. She began listening more and talking less. Her relationships changed. Life got joyful.  Amazing how that works, huh? Rumi says, “Tend to your vital heart, and all that you worry about will be resolved. “

The system did not fail Trayvon Martin, that is the system at work. You don’t know the law, so you can’t comment.

I see various organizations demanding Justice for Trayvon Martin, saying “the system failed and we’re out to have justice.”  As a criminal defense paralegal in Florida for 22 years, I know the law and the system did not fail. This is the system at work.  It won’t always be popular.  A friend wrote: “It failed plenty. Many of the facts surrounding this case were not even mentioned at the trial. And GZ’s father is a judge. That speaks volumes.” With all due respect, there are many legal reasons particular info “is not even mentioned at trial” that may defy logic but are legally viable. This is what happens when people get incensed and talk among themselves yet do not know the law. They make themselves crazy – this IS the system. That is why I did not comment as it was ongoing. Unless I heard all the testimony myself, I don’t know what was said. I don’t comment on something based on third party info. If I didn’t hear it myself, I can’t know the truth, period. No one can.

Bless my friends as I am blessed by them

Bless friends whose pleasure it is to make me feel cared for and protected, appreciated, valued and understood.  Bless those who care about my well being and my comfort, who speak their mind, who discuss matters the moment they come up so misunderstanding can lay down no roots. Bless friends who live their lives transparently, whose exes are visible and beloved, everyone walking a spiritual path happily alongside each other. Yes, bless my friends as I am blessed by them.

The most awesome of Sundays

A day of fun with friends, good conversation, celebration.  Sometimes it feels as though Heaven has just opened up and landed in my Heart. Thank you for this life.

The darkness of the room we’re in is dispelled by the Light of those we surround ourselves with

Some people are very easy to be with. I love it when I attract that out of friends. Everything I want to do is fine with them.  Everything they want to do is fine with me. Conversation flows easily from one engrossing topic to the next: what do we think about and how do we feel about what we think about?   We discover unlimited mutual interests, talents and curiosities. Being at the same stage in life with similar careers and missions lets our schedules naturally and easily interweave.  We are each a catalyst for the other’s increased business, as we discuss what we love to do. We begin becoming very telepathic with each other. We become more attuned with others when we are together.  The world begins to expand and everything is seen in new Light, literally.  The darkness of the room we’re in is dispelled by the Light of those we surround ourselves with. Had I not attracted shadows, I’d never have known how glorious this Light could be.

Honk if you love Zimmerman, Jesus would

My thoughts regarding the Zimmerman verdict? Like it or not, if we’re in the midst of God’s will how can we not rejoice? Despite any trial outcome, the innocent shall be redeemed and the guilty punished, as surely as the sun rises in the morning.  Bless everyone whose heart hurts for any reason over this. Honk if you love Zimmerman, Jesus would.

What I see when I see the aura

Aura photo 8-1-07

A friend asked: “Can you tell me what a split aura means? While interviewing a (crime) suspect, the right side of his aura was white, his left side was black, a complete split down the middle. Also his photos appeared the same, no matter from what angle I took them.” I responded, “I know everyone sees things differently. I’ve never seen an aura split down the middle and never see it as only one or two colors. For me, it’s a kaleidoscope of morphing colors that change and move at every thought. I get info from the newsreel that plays within the first few inches away from the body. When I see black, that is often an exterior shell that will break upon further questioning and reveal what underlies. Is it a blockage, an illness, a troubling thoughtform (which is all they ever really are) or maybe my own filter preventing me from seeing clearly? Ask and it will tell you. I also see what I look for. If I know anything about someone ahead of time, before viewing them or their photo, my mind sets up an expectation of what I might want to see evidence of and shows it to me. So the first impression might be an illusion, and I have to ask to see past that. To the degree I can drop any preconceived notions about what I might see, to that extent do I see clearly.
How the aura appears to me