Yearly Archives: 2011

Good things fall apart so better things can fall together

Good things fall apart so better things can fall together.  That’s true — there’s a trick to that, though.  When good things are falling apart, you have to look at them and remind yourself they are falling apart to make room for something better.  Then look everywhere for evidence of that “something better.”  If good things fall apart and you start thinking it will only get worse, if you start collecting evidence of that, well, we always find what we look for.  So when your world starts crumbling around you, that is merely past momentum catching up with you and making a clean sweep.  I’d suggest it’s also the time to clear up your past, do some serious introspection and forgiveness work and get your Ho’oponopono on.  Then get excited that good things are on the way and better times are to be had.  Look for evidence of that everywhere.  The best is yet to be.

RELATED:  Building Momentum

Dear Andrea, are things going to get better?

Dear Andrea:  All I hear about is how bad our country is (unemployment, health care, education etc.)  My Dad and Husband died in the last 4 years from long standing illnesses and each was a nightmare.  It seems like people don’t care about people anymore and it sounds like it will only get worse.  I can’t get a job, my son and daughter are single parents and can’t get jobs either we are all living together. I am really starting to get scared for our future and our country.  Are things going to get better? What is your feeling about this?  I have been reading your blog almost everyday lately I feel this connection to you.  I know you have had a lot of loss also.  I had this strange need to write to you.  Please tell me is this country going to be ok?   I feel like we all need to take a stand and do something !!! Pray more I just don’t know anymore–Thanks, Domino Continue reading

I take a Joy ride and make a vest pattern

Yesterday I went for a morning adventure with galpal Joy Walker.  We left early and took a ride to Cocoa Village where we dropped the April 2011 Horizons Magazine off to Owl Visions and What You Love To Do.   Then we went to Kohl’s in Viera where I bought a teeshirt vest.  I can’t recall the last time I went shopping with a girlfriend, maybe a dozen years or more ago, but it was fun and we were killing time until her van was ready at the shop.  Joy lives around the corner from me and she’s one of my closest friends.  We know how much time to spend with each other and we know when it’s time to split, also.  I joked on Facebook that she said she doesn’t want to join because she’s not interested in reading what I cooked for lunch or what my cats are doing.  She’s got me pegged!  Joy and I have similar tastes.  We both liked the teeshirt vest and knew we could make a similar one ourselves.  I woke up the next morning and cut the pattern and I had exactly enough brown paper and scotch tape to make one for each of us.  I’ll keep you posted.

I can have it all, without depriving anyone else

My experience is it’s possible to create a happy and plentiful world around me, without stepping on anyone else’s toes to get there.  There’s more than enough good to go around, I just have to look for it.  I look for good, I find it. It’s like what galpal Terri Mermis says about money: “Money is as abundant as air, no one limits it but yourself. If there is not enough, go where there is more. You would not stay in a room with no air, what keeps you from going to find more, it’s out there, go find it and keep on task until you do. Works for everything, not just money.”

Prayer Ceremony for Water in Fukushima Thursday March 31st Noon Bicentennial Park Beach in Indian Harbour Beach

From galpal  Janine Chimera:  Can you stop for a moment in your day tomorrow, Thursday, March 31st? We will gather at Bicentennial Park Beach in Indian Harbor Beach ….. briefly, at noon….. to do as Dr. Masaru Emoto is calling for. The situation in Japan is and will continue to affect ALL of us. Our waters our precious….. they sustain life. Do you believe that thought and love can create changes? If you cannot join us, I invite you to stop where you are for a moment and join in spirit with the same words and intentions. If you come, feel free to stay and meditate or play an instrument or whatever that will bring positive, loving energy. Share this post if you feel drawn to.  Thanks. Continue reading

A longtime buddy blocks me on Facebook over politics

blockedI’ve got a real life friend I’ve known since the mid 80’s.  We mostly talk about nature or yard stuff or music or the day’s surf or good times from back in the day.  We reconnected after several years’ absence. Most recently he’s got a galpal who doesn’t approve of our friendship so we mostly interact via Facebook. That was where I discovered a side of him I hadn’t seen the 25 years I’ve known him. That was where I learned Domino had become a conservative Republican and stayed glued to Fox News all day, believed what they  said and actively touted it on FB.  I don’t mind when friends have their own opinions, but I don’t need their propaganda plastered on MY Facebook wall.    Continue reading

Donate $1.00 if I’ve ever helped you or made you smile

Friends, if I’ve ever done you a favor or loaned you money or connected you with someone helpful or made you smile or given you hope or comfort, this is your chance to donate $1.00 to me, or $3.00 or $5.   You can do this by using the “donate” button at the Horizons Magazine website to Paypal to , you can Zelle to or Venmo @Andrea-de-Michaelis.  Consider it a tithe to the Universe. It will return to you manyfold.   Thank you for your kind generosity. The links below will help you create more dollars for yourself. Enjoy, and thank you.

An 8 minute creative visualization to increase dollars
A Creative Visualization to Attract Dollars
How can you expect a $$ windfall when you are on a fixed income?
The Creative Visualization Process
Creative Visualization the 51% rule
Money/supply comes out of us like an oak from an acorn
A visualization to funnel money from the sky into your bank account

How I Spent My Rainy Monday or Being in The Now is in My Job Description

Yesterday turned out to be an unexpected fun day of rest and relaxation for me.   At church Sunday at The New Way POD, my friend Jane Warner told me it was going to rain, so I decided to stay inside all day.  I woke up with an idea to cook a giant stew for a fave neighbor and pal who eats far too few home cooked meals.  Ok, so I was just really in a cooking mood and didn’t want to end up with a ton of food in the house, so he was my excuse to do it. That also freed me up to put meat and fat in the dish, so I made a savory beef stew.   I first coated chunks of stew meat with seasoned flour and browned in olive oil.  Then I sauteed a chopped onion with 3 chopped stalks of celery and 3 chopped carrots.  I ground up 1 tbsp each coriander seed, cumin seed and fennel seed with 3 bay leaves and added it to the vegetable saute with one stick of cinnamon to release the fragrant oils.   I threw in about 20 chopped holy basil leaves.  I love grinding spices and chopping vegetables and sauteing them all together.  That is so relaxing for me.  Cooking always brings me right into The Now. Continue reading