Yearly Archives: 2011

Why Do Spiritual People Ever Get Sick? Welcome your symptoms as evidence the body is clearing out toxins

I got an email yesterday after blogging about a tummy bug last week and nicotine poisoning this week.  The writer asked, “I’m confused.  Why do you  ever get sick since you always write about being spiritual and knowing how to attract your reality?”   I get asked questions like that all the time.  Being spiritual doesn’t mean you don’t get sick, it means you act and react in a conscious way when you do.   I attract way more wellness than sickness, way more good than bad, way more joy than aggravation.  I have no complaints whatever.   As far as getting sick, I figure stuff is always moving through my body and if I’m being a little too resistant (consciously or unconsciously) then it’ll linger a day or so. Everything moves on quickly enough, so I don’t think of it as a problem.  In reality, what we call “sick” is just our body’s reaction to expelling a toxin. A diagnosis is just a snapshot in time and our symptoms are usually the cleansing stage.   Now that I know what it is, I’ve learned not to be afraid and think it’s the beginning stage of some scary, big illness.  I’ve learned to accept the symptoms and love them because that means the ick is on its way out.   Continue reading

Breaking News

BREAKING NEWS: The Pity Train has just derailed at the intersection of Suck It Up and Move On, and crashed into We All Have Problems, before coming to a complete stop at Get the Hell Over It.

Making pretty progress at the rental home

8-10-11 plantings

I woke up at dawn today and went to my rental home to do more cleaning.   It rained while I was there yesterday, so I ran outside and made cuttings of  two bushes and stuck them in the planter out front. This morning I took over some spider plants and mondo grass and a garden hose and this is the result.  It’s my hope that while it’s raining, the cuttings will stay damp enough to take root.  I watered them in real well and will take over some mulch later on.    I’d brought over my vacuum and my friend Tod left his mega carpet shampooer and I spent the morning vaccuming and using the carpet shampooer.  I’m still running out of steam early but I’m making progress.  This week I’ve found physical resources I didn’t know I had and that’s always empowering.

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Gregg Braden on Consciousness and intentionally creating emotion to help heal yourself and your world

Gregg Braden

When we choose to feel feelings (such as appreciation, gratitude, forgiveness, care, compassion) that create what is called coherence in our bodies, science is now documenting that when we can feel those feelings, they are mirrored in the field and everyone benefits from the experience of the relatively few. It is documented that if we can create this effect with a certain number of people, the square root of one percent of a given population, then we will have the effect.

For 300 years, our science has been based on two false assumptions. The first false assumption is that everything is separate from everything else. That what happens in one place has no effect on what happens anywhere else. And if it looks like it does, it’s only a coincidence.  The second false assumption is that our inner experiences of thought, feeling, emotion and belief have no effect on the world beyond our bodies. Based on those two false assumptions that have been accepted for 300 years by scientists, I can see why there would be a disconnect when they are looking at the magnetic field of the Earth spiking precisely at the moment the human emotion of the planet is focussed on a disaster (as happened on 911 as verified by GOES satellites).  Subsequent studies have found that human emotions, specifically the magnetic fields produced by the human heart during certain kinds of emotion, are now documented as extending far beyond our bodies into the physical world. And now apparent to such a degree that our satellites hundreds of miles above the surface are able to pick these up.

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Wear gloves cleaning nicotine damage to avoid poisoning

Nine years of nicotine stains, this fixture had a light cover

Nine years of nicotine stains, this fixture had a light cover

I wrote yesterday I am cleaning my rental home of nicotine.   I believe I’ve now cleaned enough nicotine from the front bathroom that I can begin actually cleaning the room.  It’s remarkable how much nicotine comes off the walls, even after several washes with Fabulouso cleaner.   I’ll continue to wash all surfaces each morning until it’s all gone.  Last night I could smell the nicotine on my fingers and in my lungs.  I’m not a hater, if people want to smoke they should smoke and it rarely bothers me.  But I’m talking here about the physical effects on the interior of a building.  And it didn’t occur to me until today that I really should have worn gloves the whole time I had my bare hands in it. Continue reading

I clean my rental home of nicotine stains

Nine years of nicotine stains, this fixture had a light cover

Nine years of nicotine stains, this fixture had a light cover

Today was dedicated to thorough toothbrush cleaning of every surface in the front bedroom of my rental unit at Holiday Park with Fabulouso cleaner.   Look what years of nicotine smoke can do – and yes the light fixture had a cover on it until now.   The ceiling was primed yesterday with stain killer, then painted.  I can’t really complain though.  My tenant lived there for 9 years, she was the ideal tenant, paid rent on time and asked for minimal repairs.  Even the dozens of cigarette burn holes were on the carpet that she put down.   There was the matter of me finding that underneath both bathroom sinks, the shelves had all but crumbled due to some water leak in the past.  I wrote on Facebook, “And it’s deja vu all over again in the front bathroom cabinet under the sink. This crumbling set of shelves my tenant never told me about. I’ll have my friend and master craftsman Tod McNeal check it out. ”   Continue reading

Native American Code Of Ethics

1. Rise with the sun to pray. Pray alone. Pray often. The Great Spirit will listen, if you only speak.

2. Be tolerant of those who are lost on their path. Ignorance, conceit, anger, jealousy and greed stem from a lost soul. Pray that they will find guidance.

3. Search for yourself, by yourself. Do not allow others to make your path for you. It is your road, and yours alone. Others may walk it with you, but no one can walk it for you. Continue reading

Getting my rental property ready for the next lucky tenant

I went to Holiday Park since the painter called early and said he could paint today instead of tomorrow.  I’d planned to sleep all day and recupe from my earlier tummy bug this week, but that was not to be.  While I was there and lay on the floor for a break, I looked up and saw the ceilings and freaked.  My tenant was a smoker and, after 9 years, the ceiling in two rooms had a fine yellow layer of nicotine.  It was easy to tell because she’d removed a wall about 4 years ago (! – yes, I know…) and I could see the difference in color between where the air was exposed to smoke and where it had not been.  So besides cleaning and painting, all the switch plates and wall receptacles and smoke detectors, etc. will be replaced now, too.  The new tenant deserves a fresh place with a fresh look.  Plus, it’s good feng shui! Continue reading

Discounts for 55 and above at restaurants and retailers

Gone are the days of your grandmother’s “early bird special” at the local diner.  As our baby boomers reach retirement age, hundreds of retailers are featuring new and improved discounts exclusively for the 60 and older crowd.  Here is a list of senior savings that will help you keep more cash in your pocket.  Print this list as a reminder to ask about the discounts. Continue reading

How to delete Facebook messages now

Facebook loves changing things.  They  changed the Messages so I can no longer delete the 20-30 daily spam messages I get from people I don’t know. Now when I click the X it “archives” the message.  Gal pal Rhonda Guido gave me the fix:  The way mine is set up, I have to click on the person’s name, Actions, Delete Messages, then Delete All.

Done!  I get by with a little help from my friends.