Yearly Archives: 2010

Doctors Stunned When 3-Year-Old’s Brain Tumor Disappears

Doctors Stunned When 3-Year-Old’s Brain Tumor Disappears A 3-year-old girl has stunned her parents and doctors after fighting off an inoperable brain tumor all by herself.  Liberty Rose Finn was given 18 months of chemotherapy to try and shrink a growth behind her eyes which was sending her blind.  The grueling treatment only halved the tumor, leaving parents Carl, 34, and Dawn, 32, fearing the worst for their daughter’s future.  But nine months after the chemo stopped they were stunned by the results of a new brain scan taken last week, which revealed the growth had practically disappeared all by itself.  Scans at Nottingham’s Queens Medical Center revealed she had optic chiasm glioma, a tumor wrapped around both of Liberty’s optic nerves, which was making her blind. Continue reading

Taking What I Have and Making What I Want

I’ve been enjoying having a week out of the office, and I’ve been moving furniture around like crazy at home.  Last month I gave away my little fainting couch and that opened up a whole lot more of the living room.  I like to walk into a room and see big open spaces.  I moved a white credenza out of the living room and into my room, since it it really the headboard that matches my bedroom set.  I have several small rolling tables in the living room, and I rearranged those.  I swapped out some tall lamps for short ones.  I moved the bed to accommodate the headboard.  One good thing is it gives me an 8″ buffer between my head and the west to east wall where the electrical wiring is.  On the other side of that wall is the refrigerator.  I usually sleep with my head in the corner, diagonally on the bed, to be away from the electrical outlets.  Or sometimes with my head along the north to south wall.  Mostly I sleep diagonally, head to the NE.  It just feels better somehow. Continue reading

Dr. Brian Weiss in Florida – Release Anxieties and Fears By Unlocking the Doors to Your Past – February 20th in Orlando – March 13th in Ft. Lauderdale

Dr. Brian Weiss

Dr. Brian Weiss

Two chances to see Dr. Brian Weiss in Florida – Release Anxieties and Fears By Unlocking the Doors to Your Past – A highly experiential intensive workshop

Many Lives, Many Masters: Experiencing Your Past Lives    February 20, 2010 10am to 5pm Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, FL  Click Here to Register!

Many Lives, Many Masters: Experiencing Your Past Lives    March 13, 2010 10am to 5pm Broward County Convention Center in Ft. Lauderdale, FL  Click Here to Register! Continue reading

Undercover Boss – Finally: a Relevant Reality Show

Undercover Boss is CBS primetime’s newest reality show.  The show, from executive producer Stephen Lambert (Wife Swap, Secret Millionaire), follows CEOs from major companies as they go undercover to see how their companies really work.   I saw the first episode, centered on Larry O’Donnell, president and chief operating officer of Houston-based Waste Management Inc., as he donned a WM jumpsuit; the cover-story for the camera-crew accompanying him was that WM employees were told it was a documentary about someone trying out for entry-level jobs.  He was so slow at gathering trash on a Boca Raton, Florida landfill that his supervisor fired him. Continue reading

The Last Night Time Shuttle Launch

It was chilly and sunny here yesterday, a nice clear day. After last week’s rain, I noticed the new sod is now green out at the easement where they put in the city water pipes last month.  Wow, that was less than two weeks ago.  Now it looks as though it’s always been there.  The bamboo have all lost their leaves, they make such a nice feathery carpet on the garden floor.  Many of the oak leaves are down right now as well, giving a bit of a bleak look to the garden, but it also lets me see what is really there, not hidden behind giant leaves of green. Continue reading

Taking a Few Days Off

Last week I took a few days off work, then I took another, and then another. Being my own boss is good in that I can make time for everything I need to do, and get the work done as well.   Yes, I also tend to overwork myself and spend way too many hours at the computer, but this year I am working on that.  Really. As witnessed by my taking the entire last week off.  At first it began as me just catching up on sleep, then I began the furniture arranging and housekeeping and gardening.  A few days in to my stay-at-home vacation, I pondered the idea of going somewhere for a few days.  Get out of Dodge for awhile. But there was really nowhere I wanted to go and nothing I particularly wanted to do.  Other than what I was doing already. Continue reading

Paying Myself for Saving Money

money-in-hand-72Last month at Wachovia Bank the teller asked me if I wanted to open a free savings account that would have $1.00 deposited into it each time I used my debit card.  I thought, “what a great idea” and asked her to email me info about it.  “How can they do that?” galpal Sally Carmany asked me.  What they do is deduct $1.00 extra per debit card transaction, and that $1.00 goes into your savings account.  I still thought that was a cool idea.  Tricking yourself into saving your own money. Continue reading

Where are All the Spiritual Stores in Florida? Especially in the Sarasota, Bradenton, Venice Florida area

I had a mystery solved this week.  I’d suddenly gotten a bunch of new subscriptions from the Sarasota area, and whenever that happens it’s usually because a store that carried them moved or closed. That wasn’t the case this time, simply that some locals were having conflicts with a particular store.  I didn’t want to get into who or why, but their conflict meant more subscribers for me.  I don’t have salespeople visiting all the stores, so I rely on the Horizons readers to let me know where the new locations are.  I’m glad to send Horizons out to any stores as a gift for their customers.  So West Coast Florida friends, I am asking you to tell me where the current metaphysical, new age, or pagan and feminist bookstores are in the Sarasota, Bradenton, Venice areas are. You can email me

For that matter, let me know your favorite local bookstore for spiritual fare, located anywhere in Florida.  Let’s share the Love.

Spiritual People Squabble Over Personality Stuff Because It’s How We Learn. Some Learn Faster Than Others

A new Facebook friend posted the other day: “Well, it a new day, time to laugh at our individual and collective seriousness. There is nothing here that cannot be beautifully raised into the light of dawn….who’s ready to let go their version of the ancient hatred?

I commented: “Hatred and grumpiness is too time consuming for me. I have squirrels to watch and birds to feed. I see the humor in their squabbling amongst themselves. Who wants the biggest seed? Who ends up with the most seeds? From here it’s just comical. For them, maybe not so much.”  Continue reading