Yearly Archives: 2010

I get asked about angels and spirit guides

I have a client named Shakti, who is also a Facebook friend. She often writes bold comments on my posts, but that’s mostly because English is her second language and it’s hard being subtle in English.  Think of Margaret Cho‘s impression of her mother, speaking choppy with an Asian accent, she says.  But her bluntness is good as it jars us into the Moment.  Earlier this week, she sent me a few links to websites of people who were channelling this spirit guide or yet another archangel Michael.  She asked me to respond to what each channelling said  – which I did not do – but she also asked me: “How can there be so many people saying they channel the archangels? The messages are all not all the same. Sometimes Archangel Michael sounds like he’s from Jersey. Don’t they know how crazy they sound in their ads? Shouldn’t the angels tell them to not sound crazy?Continue reading

The Real Housewives are all such mean girls

I just saw a new episode of The Real Housewives of New York City.  I see that, like the other Real Housewives shows, much of the dialogue is contrived as everyone “sets the record straight” to explain how horribly they were edited to look on last year’s show.  Alex McCord had it right when she called Jill Zarin a mean girl acting like she was in high school.  But it’s not just Jill, it’s most of the women on most of the reality shows.  And what’s the other show?  Basketball Wives!  The cat fighting, the gossiping. the posturing, the one-upmanship.  I can only watch a few minutes of this type of show.  I haven’t been able to make myself turn on a moment of the Real Housewives of New Jersey yet this season.  Except for Jacquline Laurita who minds her own business, the others are pretty scary: back-biting, vicious and vindictive.  I just don’t vibrate there at all.  It just seems mean spirited and cruel, and I don’t really see the point in that.  What’s funny to me is that these women don’t seem to notice that they are just the same as the ones they gossip and complain about.  When I come across a mirror, I look into it long enough to see myself. fix what needs fixing and move on.

RELATED: Celebrity Clients
I get a Real Housewife as a Client
The Real Housewives are all such mean girls
The Real Housewives of Orange County and Lynne’s Eviction Notice
The Real Housewives of NJ bring me a 14x windfall
The Real Housewives of NJ and other unreal reality shows 
A Psychic Reads the Auras of the Real Housewives of Orange County
Real Housewives: When the personality overshadows the soul

Using the tarot for yes and no questions

Last night my friend Domino came by to talk about upcoming projects, and we pulled out the tarot cards to get some insight.  I used to use the tarot a lot more than I do now. Ninety percent of my reading work is by phone the last few years, so it had been more than a year since I’d gotten out the cards.  I like using them when someone is face to face with me. Tarot cards give them a focus, I like the symbolism, and it gives me tips and reminders, like sticky notes. I’d given Domino readings in the past, so I got quickly in the vibe. Continue reading

Shannon Burnett comes to tea

Galpal Shannon Burnett of Conscious Living Partnership came by yesterday and we had the most fun time catching up together.   I like when I need to meet with friends and we have tea at my place.  It’s more relaxed and we have complete privacy and no interruptions.  Plus I get to bring out all my teas and honeys and stevia and neat saucers and teapots.  I’d made some iced raspberry clementine tea in case we wanted iced.  We first toasted with white grape juice in my best crystal, with fresh mulberries floating on top.  I told her they were from my tree, then I took her on the yard tour.  We walked right into the tree and nibbled mulberries right off the branches. We’d kind of limbo under the branch and catch it in our teeth.  They are so sweet right now, and more of them are ripe every day. Continue reading

Continually Changing The Landscape: Gardening for Personal Development

I had a really good time in the garden yesterday morning.  A gal pal came by to get some plants for her yard.  Since the big shade is over my house once again after the freeze, I had all sorts of plants that needed full sun and had to be dug up and moved.  So we’re moving them to her yard.  I get a lot of enjoyment out of my yard.  It can be as much work as I want it to be, and as much fun as I want it to be.  At this point, I seldom buy new plants, I’m usually just moving them from one place in the yard to another.  That in itself can be a full time job. Continue reading

No Bright House phone, internet, cable tv 1am-6am Tuesday

Great. I just listened to voice mail and got today’s Bright House message that says sometime between 1:00am and 6:00am the phone, internet and cable tv will all go down for 2-3 hours while they do their routine maintenance.  Oh good, the time I use the internet the most, and about the only time I get to watch tv if I’m going to.  Thanks, Bright House.

We’re back to normal Florida weather again

I really hit the floor running Monday morning.  I did a pile of paperwork, returned a bunch of calls, and did a shout out on Facebook for ads for the June Horizons.  I went outside and watered the entire front of the property before 10am.  There is a line of jatropha (a kind of almond) trees along the front that are coming back nicely, and I want to keep them watered this year.  I turned the a/c on Saturday afternoon.  I was glad to have made it through April being able to keep the windows open.  I am under such good shade here that the house stays pretty cool.  I like having the windows open so I can hear the outside sounds: the crickets, the birds, the squirrels, the wind in the leaves and the chimes, the rustle of the soft bamboo leaves.  Continue reading

I like being understood in more than one language

The other day on Facebook I posted a link to the original 1973 Jesus Christ Superstar, sung in English and with subtitles in Spanish.   I made my Facebook post after reading at  This is Alabama, We Speak EnglishTim James is betting his election that Alabama voters prefer what he calls “common sense” to “political correctness.” The Republican gubernatorial candidate is running a provocative ad arguing that Alabama’s driver’s license exam should be given only in English. “This is Alabama; we speak English,” James says. “If you want to live here, learn it.” Continue reading

Time for a trip to the beach to bless the ocean

I just learned of the oil spilling from the ruptured well off the coast of the state of Louisiana. We’re all blessing the water, right? It might be a good idea to gather friends and go to the beach if one is nearby, to bless the water and bless the shoreline. Or just send some prayers out from home, from where you are right now. See the spill being cleared and the ocean fresh and clean again. An exercise: Breathe in the impurities and breathe them out as an offering up to God. Breathe in God’s love, and breathe it out onto the waters.

Bayou Woman suggests praying for strong northerly winds blowing and dispersing the slick to deeper waters. This is when our daily practice pays off, adding to a strong group mind with focused intent.  This is real life 3-D alchemy.  I stopped by the beach this morning and brought back a small jar of the ocean to place on my altar to be prayed over.  You can do the same.  Who’s up for a drumming on the beach to see how much oil we can dissipate via sound waves?