Yearly Archives: 2010

Hummus, Babaganoush and much needed downtime

I’ve had a relaxing, yet busy and productive week.  Last Friday, after I closed on my mortgage refinance, I got a few days off to enjoy the 4th of July weekend and recuperate from the month long fiasco of daily copying of financial documents before I had to begin working on the August issue of Horizons Magazine. I didn’t know until the very day of closing whether I would close at all or not, so when I did, it was a big pressure off me.  I took a few days off to decompress and ended up sleeping a lot.  I also didn’t feel like cooking much and so I made my favorite garlic parsley hummus and some babaganoush and ate it all weekend with pita triangles. When I’m feeling stressed, it relaxes me to cook and I love creating healthy and low fat versions of my favorite foods.  I used to think of hummus and pita as a snack, but now I realize it’s a meal in itself.  I enjoy food so much more since I changed to a healthier diet.  Simpler foods satisfy me and I eat a lot less of them. Continue reading

Why Do I Give Away Free What Others Charge For?

I’ve been asked why I give so much stuff away for free.  Things like free e-books and processes that other people will tell you are free, but are not since you have to give them your email address so they can spam you with their never ending marketing material.  So they can get you to sign up for even more and more stuff until they’ve baffled you into giving out a credit card number.  I’ve had friends who got charged for months, years before they noticed it. That’s what this type of marketer counts on. So I don’t do that.  To me, FREE means no strings.  FREE means you won’t be repeatedly solicited now that they know who you are and where to find you.  FREE means you just give them a link to the gift like I’ve done below. Continue reading

You’re Cut Off: 9 Bratty Women with Bad Attitudes

You’re Cut Off is a VH1 reality show that features nine spoiled 20-something women whose benefactors all decided that in these tough times, enough is enough. It’s high time their princesses learn how to become productive members of society–not a endless drain on their finances.  So when the ladies move into a house for what they think is a reality show called “The Good Life,” they’re actually about to be subjected to their worst nightmare: getting cut off.  Completely cut off.  As in stripped of all their cash and conveniences, and forced to learn how to live life the way normal people do.  They are required to participate and pass an eight week rehabilitation program in order to be taken back. The program director is Laura Baron, a life strategist who helps counsel the women on the road to self-improvement and responsibility. Continue reading

Ma Yogashakti Palm Bay schedule July 5th – July 14th

Mataji Ma Yogashakti

Mataji Ma Yogashakti

Mataji, Ma Yogashakti will arrive in Palm Bay on Monday, July 5th.
Saturday 10 July she will give a lecture and Satsang from 11 AM to 12 noon which will be followed by a pot – luck vegetarian lunch.
Sunday 11 July she will give the Sunshine Lecture from 9 – 10 AM.
Tuesday 13 and Wednesday 14 July Pujya Mataji will conduct Meditation Classes from 6.45 – 7.30 pm. Please pre-register. Suggested donation $10. 

Come bask in the presence of this holy teacher, whom we are blessed to have among us in the flesh. Mataji is one of 5 living female hindu saints documented in Daughters of the Goddess, The Women Saints of India authored by Linda Johnsen.

The Yogashakti Mission is located in Palm Bay at 3895 Hield Rd NW. Call 321-725 4024 and visit

Get rid of acid reflux for good

Know what gets rid of acid reflux for good?  Stop eating the crap you eat, lose your excess weight, eat smaller meals of natural, unprocessed food.  What’s processed food? Anything with a label.  Pain is nature’s way of telling your something needs to change. Stop pretending you don’t know.

LISTEN FREE:  Samples of our MP3s: Healthy Eating 
Visit Goddess Grub, Luscious Low Fat Meals

I get my mortgage refinance!

After being turned down for refinance by my long time mortgage company,  my sweet galpal ChaCha LaBelle asked me when I could reapply. That reminded me this was not a halt, this was just a delay.  I got a referral to another mortgage lender and was told that each lender has their own criteria about percentages and ratios of loan to value and debt to income. I had nothing to lose, so I called and got them my paperwork.  I was glad to learn that my current appraisal could be transferred and I would not need a new one. Continue reading

The Invisible Counselors are now in session

This website was created so I could share my experience with the Invisible Counselor’s process from Napoleon Hill’s book Think and Grow Rich. With this workbook, you will discover who your Invisible Counselors are, and you will record your sessions with them.   I’ve shared transcripts of my own initial meetings and included exercises to help you hold your own.  It’s fun to get together in a group and do the workbook.  The exercises are designed to help you to carve those neural pathways, through the mental muscle memory in your mind and let you become practiced at it.  As you have new thoughts and beliefs, you realize more and more what is possible for you, and you will attract clearer guidance and more interesting invisible counselors at your table..

AN INVITATION FOR YOU TO JOIN ME.  I’ve had a lot of success and fun using this workbook and would like to invite you to share your experiences.  You can email me at  If the images don’t show up properly for you at the site, use the Mozilla Firefox browser.

Your Sleeping Pattern is Ever Changing – and Naps are Healthy

My sleep habits are an ever-changing thing (see also My morphing sleep cycles of menopause and Not able to sleep?)  I’ve been sleeping a lot lately and currently I’ve been going to bed at 6:00pm and waking up about midnight.  Then in the morning I take a nap between 6:00am and 8:00-9:00am.  I’ve been taking in less calories the past two months, maybe 1,000 a day maximum and have kept 15 pounds off.  I figure that may have something to do with me needing more sleep, while my body adjusts. Continue reading

Building momentum – do it for the income and do it for the outcome

There are times when I’m real productive and motivated and times when I’m not.  In those down times, what carries me forward is the momentum I’ve built up from the past. When I’m in my crazy workaholic mode, I set a lot of projects and ideas into motion. I talk to a lot of people and we get a lot of things going.  Many of these projects are income related but all of them are outcome related.  I’ve learned it’s important for me to build momentum in both areas. Continue reading