When One Person Wants To Keep Fighting

I wrote at A longtime buddy blocks me on Facebook over politics that I’ve got a real life friend and neighbor I reconnected with after several years’ absence.  On Facebook I learned Domino had become a Republican extremist and that he had a habit of posting inaccurate and inflammatory slurs on Facebook.  Including my Wall, and always a recitation of what he heard on Fox News that day.  So last month I ticked him off and he unfriended me and forwarded me 30+ spam emails spouting anti-Obama until I emailed: “Sorry for my part in whatever you are upset with.  Let’s take a break.  Please don’t forward me any emails.  I’m sorry.  Thank you.  I forgive you. I love you.”  He wrote to me this morning and said “I’d like to talk to u – in person – about what happened. I replied, “I‘m already over it – I just figure Facebook isn’t the place for us to interact.  I still love you, just not into fighting about politics or anything else.”  He responded back, “our politics and world views are completely opposite… too bad the one that had come to be the “great uniter” has only been the “great divider” and what happened to our relationship is a prime example.. He and his supporters and administration have gone too far and have pitted friend against friend, brother against brother and neighbor against neighbor… it’s such a shame…

WTF?  Are you kidding me?  I’m surprised because he is so smart and savvy in other areas, yet such a lemming robot in his political beliefs.  He is so programmed that he thinks Obama is the cause of our falling out.  He honestly cannot see that it was his plastering hateful anti-Obama stuff on my Facebook Wall and then spamming me with 30+ emails when he knows how busy I am.  It was his hating and name calling and acting irrational and confrontational and unable to talk on anything else that was the cause of our falling out.

I am ready to be over it and get back to talking about our yards or the surf or the bazillion other topics we could talk on.  But he can’t move past this.  He’s got himself so inflamed and blaming Obama for our clash that there’s no talking to him.  He’s not in there right now.  But Stepfords need love and understanding, not labelling and name calling.

It just takes wanting to be friends with someone enough to stay on topics that bring you closer together; that let you share something happy and bonding together.  When one person wants to keep fighting and beat me down to prove their point, I call “uncle.”  I’m not a fighter.  Life’s too short.  If it’s a confrontation, I have happier things to do, and I told him so.

And if I lose your friendship because of that, then so be it.   I’ll apologize for failing to meet your expectations, thank you for the lessons you’ve taught me, ask you to forgive my part in our situation, and still love you, even if you never speak to me again.

For real.

Update: After I told him the above, he emailed me even more rhetoric about why it’s the administration’s fault and he demanded I acknowledge him being right and apologize.  I replied, “Give a call some year when you don’t want to fight about anything.”

RELATED:   A longtime buddy blocks me on Facebook over politics