When does it all end? When you take your attention off it

A friend sent out an email about the economy and what “the tricksters” are trying to do to us. He writes: “When does it all end?” I replied, “It ends when you take your attention off what the media is telling you and when you put your attention on what you prefer instead, and keep it there. It ends when you stop thinking that you are at the mercy of anything but your own vibrational stance in every moment. It ends when you use your own creative imagination to play with the ideas of what you’d like to experience instead, and spent most of your thought time in that space.  That’s when it ends.

I don’t get caught up in this type of info because I don’t want to vibrate there for a moment.  I know how powerful we can be as visionaries who hold to our vision of a joyful, abundant future, despite appearances, despite media input.  I know the longer I can hold the highest vision, the more of a contribution I make to the collective consciousness, since that is what attracts our collective experience to us.  I can either spend my thought time completely on the bright future and what is bright about right now, what is good that is going on right now, or I can add energy to the decline by vibrating in that place when I read news like that.

It’s just a choice of where do I want to spend my energy.
What vision do I want to feed?
What tomorrow do I want to live?”

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