Building business and scheduling specials for your customers

A psychic friend is very old school and just now learning to email. His first one was to me asking how to increase his business using email.  He wants to keep it simple.  I am a firm believer that you can make a good living with only a handful of existing customers, that you can just develop a variety of skills that are what they are looking for, and love what you do. Then everything else falls into place. I replied: “Send an email after every class or workshop they attend; maybe something like: “It was a pleasure meeting you at Saturday night’s class.   It seemed everyone had an enjoyable time.  Let me know if I can do anything for you, I’m glad to help.  Thank you and keep in touch.” And then 2 weeks later you might email them the next month’s calendar and do it in the form of a short newsletter, and say something like, “I wanted to give you a coupon for $5 off your next reading during the month of May.  It’s my Mother’s Day special!” The “newsletter” can be just the month’s calendar along with a short informative article or two, maybe a cartoon and all your contact info.  I know you want to keep it very simple.

You will also email everyone on your list when you have specials and you’ll have one each month:

A New Year’s January special
A Valentine’s Day February special
A Spring Equinox special in March
An Easter or Beltaine special end of April
Mother’s Day special in May
Father’s Day or Summer Solstice special,
A July Independence Day special,
An Almost End of Summer August special
A September Labor Day or Autumn Equinox special
A Samhain or Halloween special
A November Thanksgiving gratitude special
A December or Winter Solstice holiday special