When a friend’s limit of expansion reaches a new place

A reading this morning with Domino  mirrored something I’d experienced earlier this year.  She had a friendship with someone, which turned ugly when the limit of his expansion reached a place he’d never gotten to before.  Nothing could be the same after that, and he didn’t know how to handle it.  Now they’re not speaking. There’s no right or wrong, there’s no higher or lower, there is no enlightened or asleep, there are only levels of understanding. When someone gets their shakti shaken up, they will go through cycles of aftershocks that appear as personality changes, as the psyche wrestles with what its always been told and what it now knows firsthand to be true. It can take days or decades. No matter who, if it’s not pleasant to be around them, get elsewhere or you’re dragging everyone down. She wasn’t happy with what I told her but she doesn’t pay me to make her happy.  She pays me to help her connect with inner guidance and expand her perception of the world around her, and her place in that world. She also pays me for accurate predictions of what she can expect. She’s been a quarterly client for 15 years and she knows she can trust what I say to her will come to be.   As hard as it is for her to cut the cord while he figures his own self out, she has to cut the cord,  for everyone’s sake.  They can always mend it later if they want.  I told her, “Don’t be so impatient.  Don’t take score so soon. Get on with your life, set some new goals, don’t look back.  You’ll either talk again or not, either way, it’s the right happening.” We can’t make people “get it,” especially if they think they already get it.  I thought I knew everything at 40.  At 60, I know I am just beginning to get it.  People are where they are.  If you try to adjust them too quickly, you shock their system.  Then the two of you are no longer in vibrational resonance.  When the two of them come back into vibrational resonance again, if they do, that is when they will reconnect. And if they never do, they will instead connect with those with whom they ARE in vibrational harmony.  Either way, everyone wins.

RELATED: Shakti Management 101
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