Saturday at Divas Rock! Spidey sense and the cell phone

I attended Pam Partridge Jacob‘s Divas Rock! Rock Out the Violence Music Festival today  at the Wickham Park Pavilion at BCC, to benefit Serene Harbor Domestic Violence Center. The bands from noon til 7pm were Berna & The Bernouts, Undecided, WEEP, Rock Candy, Queen Bees, Bittersweet and Pam’s band Chain Reaction with Guest Divas.  Pam has a giant amazing voice, she had everyone up and dancing in short order. There were also rows of vendors, a kids’ zone, a poker run, and a car show.  I got to meet Facebook friend Linda Thorpe in person and get a hug.  An hour later, I saw a cell phone unattended on one of the benches so I put it up on the table.  As I saw Linda walk around the corner later, I instantly knew it was hers, so pointed it out.  Neat how just one hug can tune you into someone to catch stuff like that. A day of fun and friends.

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