Vibrational Resonance — Blessed? Cursed?

I’ve still got flowers while some of my neighbors after Hurricane Irma don’t even have bushes left

A Facebook friend posted asking if one person is blessed does that mean another is cursed, example if a disaster hits one house and leaves the one next door intact.
I don’t think one has to do with the other and I think what we experience is as a result of our vibrational resonance. Who knows what all goes into determining vibrational resonance? Seemingly mean and bitchy people can seem lucky while someone kind-hearted and generous can experience sorrows, so we know it has nothing to do with outward appearance.

I noticed I did not move 4 plastic chairs in the west woods. Here they are the morning after.

Certainly our daily pattern of thought, optimistic and pessimistic, helps determine vibrational resonance /frequency. I think of vibrational resonance as what station am I tuned to on the radio dial? And it changes moment by moment and thought by thought and there are things like past momentum (and perhaps karma) that factor into it as well.  Vibrational resonance plays a part in determining who’s in harm’s way and who escapes by the seat of their pants but that’s not to say that any luck or misfortune is the “fault” of the individual. It could be the default setting of someone who hasn’t yet discovered they can train their mind toward more hopeful expectation and thus change their future experience.  I don’t know if it has to do with anything but I always expect and believe there will be a positive outcome to situations and so far that has been my experience. I was just thinking of that this evening as I walked through the yard and noticed that so many of my Turk’s Cap bushes still have flowers. Some of my neighbors after Hurricane Irma don’t even have bushes.

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