Until you know how you attract “negativity,” you will continue to attract it. You attract it by your continued attention to it

Not knowing you’re in the cycle, keeps you in the cycle.  A friend wrote on Facebook: “I’ve removed myself this week from several very dark energies and as soon as I did, I started getting some amazing opportunities. Just a word of advice. When you surround yourself with deceitful people, their energy transfers onto you and it’s like being bound in chains. It’s ok to let these people go and never look back. You have to pull down the dark curtains sometimes to let God’s light shine in.”  I don’t know her or the situation, but it’s true.  The thing is, it’s always a vibrational match to the energy you’re putting out. This is especially tough when we don’t know what we did to attract it. In truly forgiving them and moving on, in not discussing it with third parties, that’s where our power and freedom lies. We value them showing us what we’re ready to be free of. Bless the haters, their hate always comes back to them, and when they least expect it.  

A situation I attracted months ago is just now settling down.  It’s settling down because I stopped taking third party input about it.  When I stopped that, I began dropping out of the vibe and those people and situations faded away.  That’s how it works.  Anything that pushes my buttons is a signal I’ve got emotional work to do. It’s usually forgiveness work since I’ve temporarily forgotten we are all One. My experience is the Hawaiian Ho’oponopono Process works consistently.

As a writer and life blogger, I document my daily happenings and share insights I glean along the way. It’s a fine line keeping everything upbeat when there are serious issues to address.  I get a lot of reader feedback that lets me know what I’m going through is what they have experienced also.  Many say reading my perspective on something helps them find closure with what they previously called “negative.”   For many, I’m the first one to explain the law of attraction to them and that’s always the eye opener.

The only glitch is when they don’t realize what they are doing to attract something.  That’s usually when they call me and we figure it out.  When we discover what their resistance is, they stop doing “that.”  Then their troubles fall away because they are no longer giving it any attention.

My own situation fell away when I got off that topic and got on with my life.  At first I’d post a response to what the behind-the-scenes people told me were their  concerns.  Instead of me thinking – as in the past – that I should take it on and fix it myself, I realized that would keep me in a vibe I didn’t want to be in.  If there’s an emergency going on, you call 911.  You don’t call and tell all your friends and ask everyone’s opinions. You don’t cause an uproar and then step away and pretend you didn’t cause it and don’t know why you’re getting backlash from it.

A situation a friend and I’d publicly aired was fine between the two of us and we’d gotten past it amicably. A third party with their own agenda stirred up a frenzy over his illumined response to the situation and thought he should turn it into a battle and a lawsuit.  Except he and I know the real story, so what they think is a non issue.  When they stop discussing the topic, even with each other, the resistance will drop for them as it has for me. Until you know how you attract “negativity,” you will continue to attract it.  Not knowing you’re in the cycle, keeps you in the cycle.   Stop giving it attention, stop giving it thought time and talk time.  It will be gone in no time.  I promise.


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