A sundown ocean walk, I get to return a favor and pay it forward

Today ended in a sand walk with a spirit brother for some sundown ocean medicine. Sea gulls flying, little crabs scurrying in and out of their holes. He picked up a thumb sized jellyfish to look closely at it then put it gently back in the tide. The sliver of moon was directly overhead. I got to wet my braided leather ankle bracelet for the second time, grounding its intention with good ocean energy.   Earlier today I got a chance to return a favor and pay it forward for one given to me yesterday. Yesterday the printer made an error and I let them slide and got a $ benefit for doing so. This morning an advertiser called and had forgotten to add an important date to their ad. I added it to the online magazine and replaced one of my own ads with a small one for them as a gift. A thank you for the big bucks they pay me all year!  I mowed the front lawn today.  Mowing is something I love to do.  Yard work in general is something I enjoy.  I see it as truly a moving meditation.  I did chair dips at the concrete bench in the courtyard and my crunches on a yoga mat in the soft mulch under the windchimes. I notice the wooden support for the chimes needs a new piece cut for it. Even old and rotting as it is, it can still support a song that is clear and sweet.  Another day in Paradise.

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