The problem with being sneaky is you attract faulty info

bunnies kung fu fightingYou have to laugh. Two siblings in lawsuit over Daddy’s estate. I haven’t talked to either for 10+ years but I see it on Facebook. The son’s wife emailed me about advertising and I emailed back reminding her of deadline. I told her I also sent a FB msg and tried to send one to her husband and saw he’d blocked me. She responded, “some of our friends have been sending us the info you’ve said about us so let’s delete each other.” Sure, but I did no such thing. I don’t even talk to these three.  The brother writes mean spirited mocking posts on his FB wall accusing his sister of criminal acts relative to their father. He has settings so that no one can comment or contact him. They have blocked the sister yet have “friends” go to the sister’s FB wall and report back. That’s the problem with being sneaky. You attract faulty info.

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