Tarot Card of the Day: The World Reversed

Your Card for today.  Meditate upon the meaning this card might have for you since it showed up at this exact moment. Not everyone saw this.  Not everyone attracted this message onto their monitor.  YOU DID. There are no mistakes.
MEANING:  Although there is a great deal of potential and promise for you, you may be feeling stuck. This is an excellent time to review how well you do at asking for help when you need it. Remember you don’t have to do everything on your own. This can be a card of completion. You’ve worked hard, and you are almost to the finish line in some way. You’re in need of some well deserved rest and relaxation; don’t be afraid to take it. You are getting closer to who you really are, at your deepest levels. If you aren’t seeing this progress when the world appears in reverse, take stock. What is standing in your way? Where are you stuck?

Work: When you draw the World reversed, it’s a time to take stock of how well your actual achievements are lining up with your potential. Are you giving yourself enough credit? Are you even aware how much you are capable of? If you are, and you don’t feel like the people you work for or with are aware of what you can do, it’s important to make sure that the powers that be don’t overlook your positive accomplishments. If you’re not sure what you are best at or where your talents lie, this is time to get help. Take career and aptitude and personality tests. Ask around, investigate what other people do, and why, and how they do it. There’s a whole smorgasboard out there, but you have to know what is on the menu to be able to order it!

Love: If you have been in a long-term committed relationship for some time, you and/or your partner may be feeling a little stuck and or a little stagnant when this card appears in reversal. If you try, and if you are honest with yourselves and each other, you are likely to find it rising to new and better heights. Things in the love department should be quite interesting, in a good way. If you’re looking for love, reach out. Don’t be afraid to mingle or talk to strangers. But if you close yourself off because of fear, nothing will change. Open up. This will make all the difference.

Finances: If money has been a bit stagnant for you – this is a good sign that this blockage will soon break and you’ll find yourself feeling comfortable financially once again. Don’t go mad with spending, when it breaks, though. This is a good time to begin saving. For now, rest easier about money.

Health: Something may be stuck in your mind and body which is interfering with your best health. As with the upright interpretation of this card, You may be helped by finding a healer who works with something besides traditional Western Medicine. This is not to replace medical therapy, but to work with it. Your doctor may not be happy about this, if he tells you, for example, that it’s not possible for you to study yoga and that it would get in the way of his treatment of your arthritis, in that case, you may be best served by locating a different medical doctor as well. Follow your instincts about what is best for your health within reason, of course. Seek out mentors with more information than you have. Educate as much as you can. Advocate for yourself.

Spirituality: You are likely to have several clear flashes of important spiritual insights during this time. Keep a notebook handy and record these. Share and discuss them with others even if your only outlet for that is online. We are all on a spiritual journey, and your insights are likely to be valuable for others as well.

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