Tarot Card of the Day: Six of Swords Reversed

Your Card for today.  Meditate upon the meaning this card might have for you.  Not everyone attracted this message onto their monitor.  YOU DID. There are no mistakes.  MEANING:   You may be ready to speak out about things you feel strongly about. However, communication can be difficult now. Think before you speak. Back up your computer.  You may well make some new discoveries and decisions; and you may have some important info to share. However, the way in which you communicate is at least as important as what it is that you have to say. Think carefully about what you need to get across.

Work: This is an energy under which simple mistakes can cause major problems at work. Be especially careful with important docs; make sure your work is backed up. If you are looking for work, you may feel as though you are on your own in your quest. That’s not such a bad thing – allow yourself to look for work in places no one else might suggest or consider.

Love: In the context of love, you are about to confront some necessary issues in order for your relationship to move forward. This does not have to involve  argument if you communicate calmly and well. This is not a time to hold things in, however, think before you start spouting things off. You could cause enormous damage if you are not thoughtful about how you speak your piece.

Finances: This card can indicate that you’re feeling a bit at a loss when it comes to finances. You may not feel that you have enough money to meet your needs, and you may not know where to begin in order to get these needs met. Don’t be too proud to reach out and ask around if you need to make more money. This is not a time to make risky investments; watch where you put your trust.

Health:  Something in your life may be out of balance, causing health challenges. Give some thought to where this imbalance may lie. Are you eating too much? Not enough? Not getting enough exercise? Correct the imbalance and you’ll find yourself feeling better, perhaps more so than you have for years.

Spirituality: You may feel overwhelmed spiritually. Everything and nothing may seem to make sense to you spiritually, all at the same time. The answer to this is to relax and empty your mind, rather than trying to grasp onto one answer. In time, you will realize the direction that you need to go. For now, give yourself some peace. Everything that grows does so in stages, not all at once.

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Reversed tarot cards are not negative