Tarot Card of the Day: 8 of Swords

Your Card for today.  Meditate upon the meaning this card might have for you since it showed up at this exact moment. Not everyone saw this.  Not everyone attracted this message onto their monitor.  YOU DID. There are no mistakes.

Introduction: The 8 of Swords may be a sign you need to acknowledge your own role in a bad situation. When the 8 of Swords appears, you may be unaware you are holding your own self back. Do you fear moving into the future? Are you wary of getting hurt by a new situation? Think through what it is that you’re afraid of. A little reflection can yield big insights and understanding will ease your fears and bring forth opportunities.  

General: In general, the 8 tells us we must be open to defeat in order to win. Do not fear the unknown; many blessings reside for you there. Examine your thoughts, speech, behavior for negativity and know what you say and do — and the choices that you make — affect the outcomes in your life. If you need help managing and dealing with your fears, ask for it. Being mindful to keep your self-talk optimistic and supportive will help unbind you and reveal opportunities previously hidden.

Work: If you hate your work, know you hold the power to change your situation. There may not be a lot you can do to change your specific work environment, but what you CAN do is throw yourself whole heartedly into your position and make yourself love it, all the while looking for an upgraded job. You CAN have it both ways; you can want out of your current situation at the same time appreciating the job and doing it to your fullest, while looking forward to what comes next and keeping your resume in play. THAT’s how you attract the next best job opportunity. Make yourself love it before you leave it.

Love: The 8 points to a need to seriously re-evaluate a relationship that’s making you feel trapped and bound. If you’re with someone who is not loving or supportive or respectful of you since “it’s better than nothing,” rethink that. Being in an unhealthy relationship is worse than being alone. If you are looking for love, first look at how well you love yourself, what you put up with and what you believe you deserve to have. Someone else cannot come along and fix you. You must free yourself of your situation — get completely out of that vibe — before you can attract the BEST new opportunity. Each next step will be an upgrade, opportunities will continue to present themselves. Keep eyes open.

Finances: The 8 tells you that you need to beware the self-fulfilling prophecy. If you believe you have bad financial luck, that may be the reality you continue to create in your life. Think through what your skill set and options are — or might be. What sounds interesting? Explore new income streams. Expect the best, even as you prepare for the worst. You are the only one who holds you back from obtaining and keeping the skills to earn a decent income in a job you’ll enjoy, be good at and take pride in.

Health: Illness and disease will come and go in our life. The 8 reminds us that altho it may feel like it at times, our hands are NOT tied, we can positively influence troublesome symptoms of health conditions by our thoughts, expectations and behaviors. Health is never made better by worrying and discussing with friends “what if the worst happens.” We know MANY ways we can improve our health yet we pretend not to see: walking, biking, smaller portions of healthy food, being more active and social in general, You know these things, so now’s a good time to get out of your old routine and begin creating new ones that will keep you healthy and active for years. We’re living well into our 90’s now and beyond, start now to stay active and healthy.

Spirituality: It doesn’t matter if your body is tied up and blindfolded, you have free reign in your mind to imagine what you want and aspire to best possible outcomes. Time spent in quiet, in contemplation and meditation will be helpful in drawing forth guidance and revealing opportunities to you. Tell Spirit and the Universe EXACTLY what you want and then ask for signs and signals. These can be as subtle as repeatedly seeing a phrase or hearing a song. You are not kept down unless you allow yourself to be kept down.

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