Tarot card of the day: 10 of Cups Reversed

Meditate upon the meaning this card might have for you since it showed up for you at this exact moment.
MEANING: The reversed 10 of Cups is another card full of promise and joy. This card points to happiness in general, but also carries the warning not to overlook the happiness already in your life in a quest for some elusive “perfect future.” Live for today. Even with the implication that you may be overlooking some important cause for happiness which is right under your nose, this is still a good card to see; regardless of the question.

Work: Although you may not have every element that you would like, or think you deserve, in your work, that in general you are appreciated and that things are basically pretty good. Don’t cut off your nose to spite your face. If you’re looking for work, stay upbeat and present yourself as a cheerful person to be around.

Love: If you are already in a romantic relationship when you receive this card, you may be spending far too much time questioning it and dreaming about “the one that got away.” Pay attention to the here-and-now. The thing about fantasy partners is that they are perfect.  If looking for love, this card reminds you that everyone is an individual; don’t hold up new potential partners to impossibly high standards.

Finances: Money seems unlikely to be a problem for long. Gratitude for what you do have (rather than bemoaning what you do not have) is a large part of increasing your financial resources. Give thanks. Help others when you can.

Health: We must all guard against holding ourselves up to impossible standards. No one stays young forever, everyone’s physical strength wanes slightly given enough years. However, this is no excuse to ignore the part that any of us plays in our own health. Are you truly doing all that you can to support your health? Assess.

Spirituality: Focus on and give thanks for the many blessings in your life. Destroy the habit of comparing yourself to others. Comparisons between people are always “apples to oranges.” This reversed 10 of Cups reminds us, at every moment, to stay in the “now” and to seize the day. No matter what your circumstances, you will always have something to be grateful for, and to build on. Start there.

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