Tarot Card for the Day: The Fool

Your Card for today.  Meditate upon the meaning this card might have for you since it showed up at this exact moment. Not everyone saw this.  Not everyone attracted this message onto their monitor.  YOU DID. There are no mistakes.

MEANING:  The Fool is always an indicator of newness. This is generally considered a positive card, with the caveat that it’s important to take time to be sure that you are “looking where you’re going.”  This card indicates new beginnings that have deeper spiritual meaning – for example, starting a meditation practice or a relationship, as opposed to buying a new pair of shoes. The appearance of the fool can depict an important “fresh start.”

Work: Other people may not understand or support your new ideas and/or proposals, but if you know that you’re right, press ahead, and try to help them to understand where you are coming from. This sometimes will indicate finding a new position – or even that the time could be right for you to “go off on your own” and start your own business.

Love: The appearance of the Fool in the context of love could mean that you aren’t ready for a commitment yet, even though others may be pressing you for one. This is a positive harbinger for your love life; lots of fun seems to be in the offing. Just don’t let your desire for fun make you overlook “the real thing” (real, true, deep love) should it come your way now.

Finances: In terms of finances, the Fool is an extremely positive significator. You can expect increase. Trust yourself, work hard, and you will do better than you expect.

Health: It’s possible that you’ll be slightly accident prone when the Fool is appearing; be “present in the moment” and don’t take silly chances. Overall, though, when this card appears your health is very likely to be on the upswing. You are likely to find the people and items you need to make headway toward a full recovery. Positive thought is important and should come fairly easily to you now.

Spirituality: When this card appears, you are likely to have a desire to try out lots of different approaches to spirituality to see how they “fit.” Nothing wrong with this exploration, however don’t get too carried away in any one thing. This card can indicate a powerful need to get deeper knowledge about spirituality, and your friends and family may not understand where this is coming from.

Reprinted from here

Andrea’s Tarot guide and Workbook
Psychic Readings and Spiritual Sessions with Andrea