Resisting cuts off the flow of my good

A pal overcame cancer a few years ago. It was quite the journey but she’s a trooper and now on the other side of it. She’s having a health flare-up lately, not surprising because she’s active in the protest/resistance movement. I know that f I give a lot of attention and energy to anything I don’t like, that introduces resistance into my vibration, which cuts off the flow of my good. The resistance kinks my hose so to speak. So even though she’s fighting for a good cause, she’s  still fighting and the universe will continue to give her more to fight about because she’s always proving herself fit for battle.  

Some protest and march against something they feel anger and hate for, they just want to see them taken down. I can prefer things be other than they are without feeling outrage. Twenty years ago I’d have felt outrage but I’ve come to know everything that happens is just leela, a play of the Universe. Acceptance sparked insight. I’m a good tracker. I can find helpers where people think no helpers are to be found. I make posts and comments — not to take anyone down — but to keep informed those who may be interested in helping change come about. To shine a light for those who feel motivated to help.

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