Feels good to be back 100%

I trimmed away more stems from my philodendron selloum so the bird bath is in clear view. Now my office window is like a tv screen with the nature channel playing. I pruned the eleagnus hedge out front to make it more lacy. I yanked up miles of wedelia and mower mulched it. I found several 40 year old large format painted canvases in the shed which I can gesso over for new work. I’m feeling inspired to paint again as I reclaim big empty spaces to work in. I’m happy today to be working in the yard after months rehabbing arm sprains and itis-es. It feels good to pulls up weeds and vines, to replace fence slats, to mow the yard, to rake, to sweep, to launder all the fabric in the house, to patch the little pinhole leaks in the back porch ceiling. I’m back!

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