Transcript of a Psychic Reading on $$$, Breaking The Spell, How To Strengthen Willpower, A Helpful Self Talk Script

Here is a  transcript of a psychic reading I did for someone years ago.  Everyone likes to read those.   Names, as usual, have been changed.  Question: I noticed in one of my old issues of Horizons that you are in the directory for mentoring.   Tell me a little about the difference between your mentoring […]

Email to an under-employed friend suggesting she put some mp3 files of her guided meditations on her website and a Paypal “Pay Now” button.  She’s also a great cook, so I also suggested she give cooking workshops, something like “How to cook for your own party” which doesn’t require meeting catering guidelines for occupational licensing.  “That’s something […]

“You don’t want to save the world, you want to serve the emerging paradigm” Rev. Michael Beckwith I have just been busy working. And shopping for a lawnmower.  I decided I want to do my lawn myself for awhile, I can’t seem to make it to the gym and treadmill since I stay tied to […]