Andrea’s January 2015 Editorial

Hello and welcome to the January 2015 edition of Horizons Magazine.  We’re loving the cooler weather in Florida! 50 degree nights are perfect for sitting out at the firepit. I love having woods on three sides of me. I can feel completely isolated away from civilization yet the neighborhood is right on the other side […]

About Andrea

Andrea de Michaelis is a writer, speaker, visionary and publisher of Horizons, Florida’s mind/body/spirit magazine since 1992. I became a student of meditation and yoga philosophy shortly after graduating from high school in Hialeah, Florida, where I grew up just blocks from the world famous Flamingo Race Track. During the 1970’s, I explored various philosophies, […]

He waves where he thinks the cameras are

Charley is my closest neighbor to the west, 4 lots of woods away.  He ripped out my mailbox on Mother’s Day 2010, and his dog bit me in 2007.  He has a habit of waving as he drives past my property, a big exaggerated hello in the direction of the giant bamboo. I suppose he […]

The watcher at the window

What does an Aries x5 do while waiting for the faces of previous in-progress paintings to come to me? Begin another! Here’s the under painting for the Watcher at the Window. I’m not sure what colors I’ll use yet but know I wanted these as a base.  I’ve Photoshopped in this pic the moon and […]

Creating more space around me

I spent a few hours today cutting palmettos and grapevines as I opened up another area of the yard. Since the tree cutters came and changed the landscape here, I’ve taken the opportunity to make some changes of my own.  I usually let the natural trails in my woods grow over during the summer and […]

Benny and I find an early sunrise and a slice of the Spirit Tree

I went outside predawn yesterday to water in the back garden area, newly cleared by the power company tree cutters. It was my first sunrise in the new space. Usually I don’t see the sun until it rises over the treeline to the east, which is generally a couple of hours after sunrise. Yesterday I […]