I honor your right to an opposing view
It doesn’t matter to me what religious or political viewpoint you hold. What matters to me is that we each respect the other’s right to our own viewpoint. What matters to me is that I don’t have to listen to repeated criticism. Several years ago I lost a longtime friendship not because we had opposing political views, but because he would not let up. Every time we spoke he had to bring up politics and rant on and on about the one he hated.
I don’t want to hear that, no matter who it is. I didn’t even vote for that person. We’d known each other 30 years, discussed a myriad of topics yet now all of a sudden, this became his one topic. I have other friends with opposing views and we are so busy having a good time talking about mutual interests that the topic of religion or politics never comes up.
Are you getting a sign that your dollars await you elsewhere?
Are you getting a sign there is something you are more suited for? I often hear metaphysical practitioners talk about what an amazing healer and teacher they are, then asking “My income has greatly declined but my spirit guides tell me I’m supposed to do important work in this world and be recognized as a healer. Why can I not make money at this if it is what I’m supposed to do?”
I have met some pretty amazing healers and teachers in my time and none of them advertised nor wanted recognition for it. The fact you are not thriving in your work could be Universe’s bat signal that there is something else you are more suited for. Your dollars/ market/ clients/ await you elsewhere.
My experience is if it’s what you are supposed to do, it will be easy, it will flow, things will line up, the money will be there, the opportunities will be there, the right people will show up at the right time. Resistance always has meaning. Rejection is protection. It simply means there is something you are more suited for and your market, your clients, your recognition awaits you elsewhere.
Opportunities come in response to your self talk
Opportunities are presented to you in response to your self talk. Ask for new doors to be shown to you, then ask (within/silently) in every situation and as you stand before every person, what good does this person or situation have for me? If your thoughts are wrapped up rehashing past problems, you’re not actively looking for your good. When you look for your good, people will come into your life to help you achieve it. Situations will unfold that will delight you. Be on the lookout for WHAT GOOD DOES THIS DAY HOLD FOR ME?
I can look at my life in a way that makes me hopeful about the future
Tough times come to pass, they don’t come to stay. Even when tough times are passing thru, it doesn’t have to be a bumpy ride for long. It takes practice to be able to expect and believe that something better is on the way.
Here’s 2 ways I can look at my life:
1. I for whatever reason find myself in a pickle or 3, things not going my way, not enuff $$ and I can see no way out. I can see that as a hopeless situation with no resolution OR I CAN LOOK AT IT ANOTHER WAY. A WAY THAT HELPS ME ATTRACT A BETTER RESULT. The other way I can look at the same situation is this: Continue reading
Expect and believe you can find your place in the new world
This is a very sacred and holy moment in time. CERTAINLY KNOW that even as the world as we know it may be changing, a new world will be emerging that we can find our place in. EXPECT AND BELIEVE that you will not miss opportunities when they come, and come they will. The tarot card The Lightning Struck Tower depicts a breakdown in the current situation and something preferred emerging from it. DON’T FEAR the new world which now seems in chaos. It will come to order in a way that you feel comfortable with, I promise you.
The April 2018 Horizons is now online, here are the horoscopes
The April 2018 Horizons is now online at http://horizonsmagazine.com/mags_online/4-18-Issue.pdf . The flipbook version is at http://horizonsmagazine.com/fb/4-18/index.html. We are honored to have nationally known Maya White doing the monthly horoscopes. Maya White is a Master Destination Astrologer and one of only 90 people in the world certified in Astro*Carto*Graphy, a specialized branch of astrology which helps people find their perfect place on earth for love, prosperity, and personal growth. Visit Maya’s website and for an introduction to Maya White, read here http://horizonsmagazine.com/blog/introducing-horizons-new-astrologer-maya-white/ Contact her and ask what she might do for you. Here are this month’s horoscopes: Cusp dates are accurate for 2018. Sometimes the actual date the sun enters the sign varies by a day or so because of a leap year, or, even the time of day. I assure you these cusp dates are correct for 2018.
APRIL 2018 Horoscopes
Aries – (March 20 – April 18) Yours is the first sign of the natural zodiac, and indeed this month is your time to spring forth. What’s unique about this time is that you have an opportunity to get totally aligned with your core values. This requires some self-examination and true soul excavation. In perfect timing, the Universe delivers a question that provokes you to stretch your limits for the right answer. Dig deeply. Continue reading
Easter 2018 ~ We Rise Anew Only When We Forgive The Past
Today we celebrate overcoming being hung up, rolling the stone away and rise anew into the emergence of our Sacred Self. We forgive ourselves and each other. When forgiveness takes place, we enter into that holy space to accept healing, love, and joy. Healing takes place when we forgive and heal everything from our past, leaving no stone unturned, no person passed over. We become healers when we have healed our own past, and made peace with all persons. That makes us a very powerful force in this world. This Easter I am grateful of this reminder. I liken it to forgiving everyone everything before coming to the altar to pray. It’s powerful stuff and it’s the stuff true unconditional Love is made of. Only Love is real. Everything else is illusion. Adding to the confusion.
The March 2018 Horizons is now online, here are the horoscopes
The March 2018 Horizons is now online at http://horizonsmagazine.com/mags_online/3-18-Issue.pdf . The flipbook version is at http://horizonsmagazine.com/fb/3-18/index.html. We are honored to have nationally known Maya White doing the monthly horoscopes. Maya White is a Master Destination Astrologer and one of only 90 people in the world certified in Astro*Carto*Graphy, a specialized branch of astrology which helps people find their perfect place on earth for love, prosperity, and personal growth. Visit Maya’s website and for an introduction to Maya White, read here http://horizonsmagazine.com/blog/introducing-horizons-new-astrologer-maya-white/ Contact her and ask what she might do for you. Here are this month’s horoscopes: Cusp dates are accurate for 2018. Sometimes the actual date the sun enters the sign varies by a day or so because of a leap year, or, even the time of day. I assure you these cusp dates are correct for 2018. Continue reading
Spiritual hypocrisy or just part of the process?
Facebook Friend Durga Adriane writes, “I’m just gonna say it: As much as I LOVE my yoga, Ayurveda, Hinduism, and Eastern spirituality- (and don’t get me wrong, I do love my people in that community as well)- when it comes to hanging out and being around folks, 99% of the time I would rather be around a bunch of drinking, swearing, partying, sometimes-smoking musicians. “But why?” my yoga peeps ask… because, frankly, the rocker bunch is almost always more straightforward and authentic, you can be yourself without people spiritual-judging you about how “enlightened” you are/aren’t “acting” and they don’t have this thing that you have to be all rainbows and fairies all the time or you “aren’t being spiritual.” I got SO sick of that when I was doing kirtan 3-4x a month, dealing with yoga studios, so-called “spiritual” venues, and all of the B.S. I kept encountering so I stopped. The hypocrisy was burning me out to the point that I didn’t even wanna do it anymore. (Not that I won’t again, I definitely will- but way more selectively.) -And I’ve been happier ever since!
Spirituality is not about rejecting parts of your human experience- it’s about evolving through them. We all screw up. The point is, are you trying to do better or just judging everybody else? Or would you rather shut up and play some music? ? And also, I’m not gonna stop saying Fuck. Ever.” Continue reading