One of the most important jobs a psychic medium has

Walk-into-the-lightI wrote at We Clear Domino’s House of a Playful Spirit that someone was told I could banish “demons and bad spirits” for them. I don’t experience nonphysical energy as demonic or bad, but I knew what he meant and was able to help him.   Spirit releasement is among the most important work that a psychic medium can perform, helping direct earthbound entities into the Light.  I wrote about it on Facebook and a couple of friends wrote comments about entity attachment and one wrote that a lot of times people get freaked out by what she says to them, and they go running for the hills.  I hope she was joking.  If she was not, I hope she practices and hones her skill before doing that again.   A most important job a psychic medium has is ascertaining the ability of her recipient to receive the information in such a way that they can deal with it and use it.  Anyone can have a vision and repeat what they see; the skill is in matching the info with the ability of the sitter to grok it and use to navigate their daily lifeExample: Send a 40 year space veteran and a five year old child in a shuttle to the moon and upon their return, ask each to tell what they saw. One talks from a place of broad awareness and deep understanding.  I’d want a medium that does the same, that has a broad awareness and enough life experience to have a wide vocabulary.  Although I’ll bet the kid could likely weave a fancy story around his trip and keep me entertained.  Bless the psychic mediums who perform this most profoundly important work.

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