Home Clearing? Spirit releasement? Entity Detachment? A shared perception creates a very powerful thought form — a third entity — which then takes on a life of its own

Spirit Release image from thespiritscience.net

Spirit Release image from thespiritscience.net

Spirit releasement is among the most important work that a psychic medium can perform, helping direct earthbound entities into the Light.  This week several clients had almost identical issues: they wanted a Home Clearing, a Spirit Releasement, an Entity Detachment.  Not surprising to have three sessions in a row with the same issue, since I know I attract everything by virtue of my vibrational resonance. Even for callers who are scheduled months ahead, invariably several in a row will be on very similar issues, many of them also relevant to something going on in my own life.  This week was no different, but with a twist.  Last week, I built up some good momentum of cranky thoughts as folks kept bringing my attention to what a troublemaker was doing.  It was none of my business, I didn’t care and I didn’t need to know about it.   What does this have to do with spirit releasement?

My email to a new inquiry was:  “You’re having what I’d call poltergeist or playful spirit activity.  You just split from a partner.  I know the activity you are witnessing can be scary, but I promise it’s a natural occurrence that can be handled in a natural way.  It’s related to the emotional bodies of you and your partner, even if you are not together now.  Together or not, a House Clearing can help either way to resolve the disturbance caused by the combination of your emotional bodies.  Sometimes we just no longer “vibe” with someone as we used to and, when that happens, Spirit (whatever that means to you) sends us messages thru the people and circumstances around us.  If we study the signs and know what to look for, we can figure it out, and “silence the spirits” so to speak.

A House Clearing also helps you get along better with the partner, even if they are an ex-partner.  It can help make the transition easier from being partners to being friends, that’s always a bonus, because you are reconciling the emotional bodies and bringing them into vibrational resonance.  Like rebooting the main computer on a network, just energetically.

I don’t want to use language that turns you off, so I’ll stop here until we meet.  I would be glad to come to your home and do the cleansing if you’d like. It’s not spooky, I’m not scary, it’s a natural occurrence that is handled in a natural way.  You may read about me at About Andrea . If we reach the point where I am going to charge you for anything, I will tell you beforehand “this next I have to charge you for and this is how much.”   A home clearing is also called a cleansing, also called spirit releasement, also called entity detachment, also a home sealing.”
### end of email to new inquiry

I had not been experiencing poltergeist activity, however it is true my emotional body has been stirred up this month.  That changes my point of attraction.  If I had no one else in my life to remind me of things I am ready to move past, I’d be past them by now.  But in my reading practice, I’ve learned that emotions either help to weave a beautiful scene or tangle a ball of knotted string.  No one can weave with you a bond of discord if you contribute no strands to the weaving.  In the case of each of the 3 readings above, there was resentment on both sides that was a big cloud over the perception of both.  A joined perception creates a very powerful thought form, which then takes on a life of its own.  It’s like the third person, the third tangible entity in the relationship.

Hence having a Home Clearing facilitates the detachment of that thoughtform, that third entity, and releases it into the Light.  When that occurs, it changes the vibrational resonance of everyone attuned to it.  Those who are will be released and free from those who are not.  Sometimes both are released from old ways of being and given power for new ways to form.

I don’t feel a dark cloud hanging over my head about my situation, but realize I could use another cleansing myself.  The third caller was the charm.  My motto is: “give me three and I’ll do it for me.”

Afternote: I did a clearing of my home and property predawn this morning and 6 hours later a friend came over and we resolved a final standing issue. Nice.

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