Losing My Signal When My Modem Needs To Be Replaced

Modem connection

Modem connection

Yesterday I was working away and all of a sudden my internet connection went down.  After taking time to check all the connections, make sure all plugs were plugged in, and rebooting several times, I spoke to Bright House and Roadrunner and told them the situation.  They had me talk to Joe and Erik, and both were quick and pleasant.  They determined my modem was offline because I had no signal.  They asked if I’d had the modem replaced since the original installation in 2006.  I had not.  So I guess three years is a good life span for a modem.  They told me a Bright House office was on Palm Bay Road, and to take my old modem and power cord to them and replace it for a new one.  An hour later, I was back in business with my new modem.  Yes, even with Mercury retrograde, I was only inconvenienced for an hour 🙂

My expired modem made me think of other things in my life that run their course in about 3 years.  Like  jobs and relationships – three years seems to be the extent of the term for each.  Even courses of study, three years has often been the length of time I spent on particular subjects.

So I thought, what might the modem be a metaphor for, for me now?  What all have I been spending time on the past three years?   What outdated mode of being – or interest – might I be ready to replace with something brand new?

And to continue the modem metaphor, what might I be placing in between me and the source that is no longer necessary?  Something that has just worn itself out?

A few things come to mind.  I’ll keep you posted.  In the meantime, to celebrate Mercury Retrograde coming to an end, I notice our web server went down and so anyone who got the email newsletter and went to the link after 11:00pm EDT last night, got an error message that said Forbidden.

We’re fixing it.  We just temporarily lost the signal is all.

It happens to all of us 🙂

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