It’s always good to split away from someone else’s karma

In a recent reading with Domino, he was concerned that he lost his job when he and his wife split, as it was her business.  He’s without transportation or driver license, and due to the nature of the split, no job reference. He feels three years just went down the drain.  I told him nothing could be farther from the truth.  She just set him free.  Getting and keeping a job through what is attracted by someone else’s consciousness and karma will never be yours to keep.   If something is not yours by right of consciousness, it’s not yours for long.  It will drop away when the momentum stops being fueled.  What this means is that now Domino will attract what is his own doing, what he owes no one other than himself for delivering to him.  He can attract something to be proud of, something he did not have to rely on anyone else to motivate and make happen for him.  He’s now got the freedom to  man up and show everyone what he knows he is capable of.  These are exciting times indeed. Anything is possible and anyone can do it.

RELATED:  Alan Cohen on Right of Consciousness 

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