I sweep my front walk each morning

woman sweeping with cat for blogI sweep my front walk in the mornings, as well as my driveway. Benny is always out there with me and he’s not always helping. I live under an acre of oaks so there are always leaves and fallen branches overnight. I used to look at it as a chore, and I resisted it. When I began to think of it as part of my daily spiritual practice, it became a welcome ritual.  As I sweep I bring to mind how much I enjoy my home and grounds. I not only sweep the walk to keep it clear for mail and delivery persons, I sweep it to clear the way for new good to arrive in whatever form the Universe wants to deliver it.  I sweep the dried leaves into the yard as mulch so it returns to the land as nourishment. As I sweep, I also sweep away any cobwebs of confusion that may linger from yesterday into today. I sweep in clarity of purpose and focus of intent. I acknowledge that I live a blessed life, shared with loving others.  I’m blessed to work at home surrounded by loving family and to have a comfortable life.  Sweeping clears my mind for the day, as well as the driveway. Keeping my space clear of unnecessary items has become a great metaphor for keeping my life clear and uncluttered. When I find things piling up, that reveals my state of mind and that tells me I’ve got some internal work to do.

Housework as a Spiritual Path

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